iShould've Told You by Edio

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Chapter 6


Freddie imagined what the scene must look like. There he stood in a small kitchen with white cabinets, half naked with just a pink towel wrapped around his waist, holding a sobbing blonde haired girl who he - at many different points in his life - thought was placed on this earth to specifically torment him. It was ridiculously wonderful. For the rest of his life, he would remember that moment as the first time he ever felt whole. When Sam said she loved him, he found something he didn't know he was looking for - something he wasn't aware was next to him the entire time. Sam crying lessened and finally stopped, but Freddie still embraced her protectively in the comfortable silence. He didn't really need to say anything because he understood. It was some time before either of them spoke.

"Did you mean it?" asked Sam tentatively, afraid to break the peaceful mood.

"What?" Freddie replied.

"That you love me?"

"That's a silly question, isn't it?"

"No, it isn't," Sam pushed away slightly to look up at him. She sniffed and used the back of her hands to wipe away the tearstains on her cheeks. Her eyes were still red and puffy, but the vulnerability in them was unfamiliar. "I'm serious," she intoned.

"Yes," he answered her first question sincerely and apologized. "I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it. I don't think I've meant anything more in my life. I do love you." More playfully he added, "And besides, you're the one that started crying after I told you that." Freddie feigned a look of horror. "How's that supposed to make me feel?"

Sam gasped. "That's not fair!"

"You're telling me?" Freddie watched her worry some more. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding," he said finally.

That seemed to appease her but she punched him in the shoulder anyway. Some things will never change. He winced theatrically, but in truth Freddie was glad for that little bit of reaction from Sam. He had missed those things in the few weeks they avoided each other. "I love you too," said Sam again and rested her head against on his chest again, squeezing him in apology. I can grow fond of this too, though. Reflexively, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"This feels even better than I thought it would," Sam said to herself as she nuzzled against him. Freddie couldn't disagree. There was nothing he could remember that felt more wonderful than this. "Why do you have to leave?" she implored to no one in particular. "I wish you could stay. Here - tonight."

The inappropriate implications of that statement made his head spin. The length of her body pressed against didn't help. Surprisingly, Freddie didn't really feel all that cold anymore. However, he didn't want things to escalate into something he knew they weren't ready for. "Sam, I'm not sure that's a good idea," he said nervously, but when she pulled away again, he felt a sudden surge of disappointment.

"Why not," she asked quizzically, "I just wanted to talk?" Sam rolled her eyes when she saw the mix of relief and regret on his face. Suddenly she smirked - some of the old, impish Sam seemed to be coming back. "Although..." She bit her lower lip alluringly. "I do keep thinking about all the opportunities we missed. All of those times we were alone at Carly's," she purred. "Maybe we could make up for lost time?" She started to trace the lines of his chest with her finger tips. Quickly, Freddie snatched her hand and held it. She mistook the pained expression that crossed his features as disapproval. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come on so strong. I mean I meant to... It's know...?" she struggled to explain and just shrugged.

"No - no. I feel the same," Freddie answered hurriedly. It was very, very difficult for him to talk coherently just then. His entire body was on fire. He took a deep breath to slow his heart down. "I think, for now, we should avoid...complications."

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