Seddie Oneshots: 522 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,820
Published: Dec 5, 2010
Updated: July 23, 2015


"Wait! Here, Carly, come feel it!" Sam said, placing a hand on her stomach. "The baby's kicking!"

"Really? Oh my God!" Carly gasped, rushing over to Sam and placing a hand next to hers. "Whoa! You can feel the tiny feet!"

"Hey, I want to feel!" Freddie said, joining the two. "Er, Carly do you think you can move a little to the right so I can-"

"You've felt before!" Carly snapped. "It's my turn!"

"It's my baby!" Freddie defended.

"Well it stopped anyway," Sam said as Carly removed her had.

"Isn't that something," Carly smiled, shaking her head in awe. "You can actually feel the baby inside of you...That must feel incredible."

"Yeah, the kicking's pretty cool," Sam said. "The morning sickness, backaches, cramps, heartburn and swollen feet I can live without, though."

"And the mood swings," Freddie added.

Sam glared at him. "I do not have mood swings!"

"Okay, okay!" Freddie said quickly. Just then his Pearphone buzzed and looked down at the screen. "Aw man...that's my mom. She's on her way over here. Dang it!"

"Sweet," Sam grinned happily.

Carly gave the couple a confused look. "Um...shouldn't Freddie be the excited one here? And shouldn't Sam be the one trying to barricade the door or something?"

"Pfft, why would I do that?" Sam scoffed.

"Because you ha-don't like the woman!" Carly pointed out.

"True," Sam agreed. "But ever since I've gotten pregnant, the craziest thing has happened...His mom has been pampering me and treating me like some sort of queen!"

"She says the girl carrying the grandchild she's wanted for so long deserves the best," Freddie said, rolling his eyes. "So my mom has been spoiling her for the past five months."

"It's a great set-up," Sam said. "And I plan on enjoying ever moment of the four months I've got left on this ride."

"Oh, well, that's sort of sweet," Carly said. "I think it's nice that you and Freddie's mom are finally getting along. Don't you, Freddie?"

"Yeah, it's real great," Freddie said, rolling his eyes.

"What's the problem?" Carly frowned. "I would've thought you'd be all happy that your mom and wife are finally-"

"I'm here!" Marissa Benson suddenly announced, letting herself into the house. "Sam! Look at you! You're glowing!"

She hurried over to her daughter-in-law and sat down next to her and began rummaging through her bag, paying no mind to Carly or Freddie.

"How are you, honey? Are you managing your morning sickness? Are you getting enough rest? Enough nutrients?"

"I'm fine," Sam replied. "The morning sickness is getting kind of worse, though. I puked this morning when I woke up like I always do, but then when I was doing the breakfast dishes, I felt sick again and I-"

"You were doing dishes?" Marissa gasped. "In your condition? Well it's no wonder you felt sick!"

She turned to Freddie, finally acknowledging him. "Fredward Benson!" she snapped. "Have I really raised you to be the type of husband who lets his pregnant wife tire herself out with household chores? Why weren't you doing the dishes while poor Sam got some rest?"

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