Snow by addictedtochocolates

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Snow by addictedtochocolates

TV » iCarly
Rated: K
Language: English
Genre: Hurt/Comfort & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 1,826
Published: Dec 17, 2011


Sam Puckett hated the snow.

It always reminded her of happier times. Like when her father, before he became a useless, rotting bum who'd abandoned his family had brought her and Melanie sledding on day. She'd taken on the highest slope she could find in the park and slid right into his arms, giggling when he caught her and swung her and Melanie in the air, spinning around.

"Love you, Daddy."

"Love you too, Sammy."

It reminded her of times where she and Melanie would sit at the windows, watching the snowflakes flutter down one by one, and run outside, squealing and making snow angels, and just laughing, and bonding like two sisters would. How they'd lie in the snow at night, just admiring how lovely and bright the stars looked in the dark sky, like snow landing on the roads at the start of winter.

"Love you, Mel."

"Love you too, Sam."

It reminded her too much of how welcoming and homely her home had been, back when the three Pucketts would pile in the house, all covered in snow, tracking it in the house, and how Pamela Puckett would have hot cocoa in her hands with little marshmallows for Mel, Chocolate syrup for dad, and both for Sam in three cups, and the family would huddle round the fire, happy and content.

"Love you, Mom."

"Love you too, Sammy."

It reminded her too much of bad times.

It always, constantly reminded her of the day he left. The day her dad, her hero and role model had left once and for all, when he'd put on his snow coat and told Pam he was going to the store. Melanie was asking him to buy her some of her favourite lollipops, and Sam joined in, begging for some candy canes. Oh, and fat cakes, too.

He'd agreed. Sure, he'd said, ruffling her hair and telling them to be good girls before leaving the house.

When Pam Puckett saw the note he'd left on their bed five hours later, saying goodbye forever, it was too late. Sam Puckett felt her heart break like never before as she saw her mother seating on the window seat, a background of snowflakes outside the window pouring down, crying.

The snow on the ground, white and pure, mocked her for being so naïve, so gullible, sneered at her for being so trusting.

"Love you, Daddy."

"Love you too, Sammy."

It reminded her too much of the fight she'd had with Melanie, right before she'd left for boarding school. It was a winter's day, and Melanie had received her letter of acceptance a few weeks ago. Melanie was elated at the chance to go, to get a fresh start. Sam wanted her to stay.

They'd had a cold war for a few weeks, and Sam was the one to break the silence when she saw Melanie packing and ready for her flight the next day.

You're my twin, Mel. My sister, the other half of me. She'd pleaded, begging Melanie to change her mind. Please, Mel, don't leave me here on my own.

She'd left the next day. Sam never felt emptier, lonelier, as the snowflakes that landed on her cheeks as she saw Melanie riding away in a taxi reminded her that she was alone, so alone, without anybody to rely on, to count on any longer.

Serendipity (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora