24 Hours by Gabsikle

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Chapter 9


9:00 AM

Carly woke to the sound of Sam yelling, "THAT'S RIGHT! KEEP WALKING, YOU PANSY!"

"Sam!" Carly heard Freddie whisper. "We're at a red light."


"That dude looks like he could be carrying a gun."

"Stop being paranoid."

"Holy shit! He's running toward us!"

"Drive! Drive!"

"It's a red light!"

"Run the fucking red light!"

Carly decided to open her eyes just when Freddie floored it. She sat up and looked out the rear window. Some guy was running at them. It looked like he threw something...

"Jesus Christ!" Carly screamed when a rock collided with the back window.

Gibby finally woke up then. "What's going on?"

"Turn left here!" Sam commanded of Freddie.

"What did you say to that guy?" Carly asked Sam.

"You know. Stuff."

"Should I get on the highway?" Freddie asked.

"Yeah. Then get off at the next exit."

"I can't believe you got us into this. What if he got my license plate?"

"Frednoid, I highly doubt that guy was smart enough to memorize you plate."

"Plus, he was too busy tossing a huge rock at us," Carly added.

"What?!" Freddie screamed. "Man! My mom's gonna kill me!"

Sam put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm yourself. Now, take the exit." Freddie did as she said. "Park in that parking lot over there." He parked outside a donut shop. Sam would pick there. "Turn off the car." He did. "I know someone who can fix your window. For free."


"Yes. My cousin Johnny owes me a favor."

"What'd you do for him?"

"Provided him with an alibi. By the way, if you ever get a call from the cops, asking what you were doing last Saturday, Johnny and I were in your room playing Go Fish."

"Okay..." Freddie said.

"Go Fish?" Gibby asked. "Why would you be playing that?"

"It's an intense game," Sam said.

"No, it's not!"

"It is if you play with Sam," Carly said. "What time is it?"

"Uh. 9:15." Freddie informed.

"And what the hell were you two doing while Gibby and I were asleep?"

"Heckling pedestrians," Sam mumbled.

Freddie glared at Sam. "And you heckled the wrong pedestrian!"

Carly groaned. She couldn't even nap without those two getting into trouble. Too bad her mission for the day meant leaving them alone as much as possible.

"I think I'm gonna get some coffee," Carly said. "Will you come with me, Gibby?"

Gibby smiled. "Sure."

Carly looked at Sam. "Yes, I'll get you a donut. Make sure Freddie doesn't have an anxiety attack while we're gone."


Serendipity (Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora