24 Hours by Gabsikle

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Chapter 23


11:00 PM

"What are you doing?" Carly asked Sam and Freddie as they ran through the living room.

They paused at the front door. Sam said, "We're going to play in the rain. Duh."

Carly giggled as Sam forced Freddie out the door.

"They're gonna track so much mud through this place when they come back in, "Carly told Gibby.

"We'll clean before we leave."

They sat in silence for awhile. Then Gibby cleared his throat and said, "Okay. Confession time."

Carly turned to him. "Who are you confessing to?"

Gibby smiled. "You."

Carly started to get nervous, but not as nervous as Gibby was.

"My feelings for you might've been one of the reasons I broke up with Tasha."

Carly lifted her eyebrows in shock. "Me?"

Gibby sighed, sensing he was about to be rejected. "Yeah."

He was surprised when he felt Carly's lips press against his. Gibby found her lips amazingly soft.

The kiss started off innocently. Then Gibby grabbed her head and deepened that kiss.

Before things could go too far, Carly pulled away.

"I shouldn't have done that," she said.

"I'm sorry?" Gibby wasn't sure why he was apologizing. It just felt like the right thing to do.

"No, I'm sorry," Carly said. "You're all confused and I just made things worse."

"No, you didn't! I mean, that felt so right, didn't it?"

"I must admit, it wasn't bad. But you just broke up with Tasha. I shouldn't be throwing myself at you."

"You didn't throw yourself."

"Whatever. It's just not the right time. And it's not fair to Tasha."

"But I wanna be with you," Gibby said.

"And I want to be with you."


"It's not a good time. I don't wanna be the rebound girl who ends up getting hurt."

Gibby nodded. "Yeah. You don't deserve that."

"I have an idea though."

Gibby perked up. "Yeah?"

"We wait awhile, and if you still feel the same, we give a relationship a go."

Gibby smiled widely at her. "Sounds like a plan."



They hugged and went back to watching the movie. Even though they agreed to wait on a relationship, that didn't stop them from cuddling.


Freddie slipped in the mud for what seemed like the millionth time. Even though he was soaking wet and covered in mud, he was actually having fun.

"Come on, Mud-butt! Get up!" Sam walked over to him and held out a hand.

Freddie took it and she helped him up. "Thanks."

"See that hill across the street?"


"We're gonna go slide down it."

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