I Keep Running Away by _________

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I Keep Running Away by _________

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Angst & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 1,695
Published: September 1, 2015


(5 times Freddie should've stayed, but walked away.)


It was the evening of their school dance.

Carly was dancing the night away with her date, Josh or Jared or something. Freddie never cared to remember anymore.

It had come as a surprise, when Freddie announced he had a date, as well. Sam's jaw had dropped when she heard him and he delighted in the fact that, for once, he caught her off guard.

Sam didn't have a date. It wasn't because no one asked her, in fact, a lot of the Ridgeway male population grew a pair and asked her, even at the risk of getting their thumbs broken (Gibby never forgot it).

When Carly asked Sam why she didn't accept any of their invitations, she had shrugged and said,

"Sam Puckett doesn't do dances. Or dates. Or anything she finds unimportant, really."

But as Freddie stood there, in the middle of the school's gym, he could see that one Samantha Puckett was feeling a little lonely.

Carly was nowhere in sight, and he was the only person there who could help ease her suffering a little.

He took slow strides across the room, hesitantly approaching her. His date was on a bathroom break, and he knew girls took a little bit of an eternity there, although he didn't know why.

Seeing her up close, he couldn't help the faint upward tug of the corners of his mouth.

Sam looked beautiful. Over the years the trio had been together, they had grown so much. And despite Sam and Freddie's rocky relationship, they both considered each other an important person in each other's lives, and was not afraid to admit it.

Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, and her bangs were straightened over her forehead. Much to Carly's delight, she was in a dress. A silver piece that fitted tightly over her petite frame, matched with a pair of silver heels. Her makeup was simple, just eyeliner and some eyeshadow. Sam didn't like lipstick, she said. It made eating harder.

Since the very start of the dance he could see people, of both genders, looking at her and dropping their jaws. He almost laughed out loud. The blonde headed demon turned to the blonde headed goddess.

The humour died down.

He wished that Sam would realize how beautiful she was. How she never was second best to Carly. She was just Sam, someone they knew and loved for who she was.

"What up, dorkwad?"

He grinned. Even if she was lonely, Sam would never pass up a chance to insult him.

"Hey, Puckett. I see you're feeling lonely?" He tentatively sat down next to her.

She rolled her eyes playfully, but he could see the specks of sadness in her blue irises.

"And who told you that? Nub-Nub?"

"It's Nug-Nug." Came his automatic response. It was so normal for Sam to say that, and for Freddie to respond like he did.

It was also normal for Sam to try and steer the conversation away, especially when it was about something serious.

"Don't try to change the subject, Sam." He said sternly.

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