iThink I Miss You by ColorsOfTheSky101

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Chapter 2


Sam yawned and opened her green laptop, her blonde, curly hair falling all over the place. She couldn't sleep. She'd been up late every night since the summer, coincidentally about the time Freddie packed his bags and went to Blaggig. She read over Freddie's email and rolled her eyes.

TO: FreddieTech87

FROM: ToughCookie101

Date Sent: September 12th, 2:08 AM

Oh please, don't act like it doesn't bother you. I know it does, dude. She didn't want me to tell you, but hey, since when do I listen to things?

Ha, fake leg hair? Seriously? Can't say what's funnier - your mom actually finding fake leg hair, or the fact that you need it.

Jeez, I'm tired. I've been up late way too much lately. Eh, oh well, I don't have anything important tomorrow. Just two tests and some dumb oral report.

Like I said, nothing important whatsoever.

C'mon - Send the uniform pic! I need a good laugh. I'm feeling very insult-deprived these days. Even Gibby's getting boring to make fun of - sorta. A girl can only give so many atomic wedgies, you know what I mean?

Oh, get this - next week on iCarly, we're having iAmerican Idol. Peeps are gonna have a singing contest, so it should be really cool. If you weren't such a geek, I'd wish you were there. But you are, so enjoy yourself in Blaggig!


Freddie, also coincidentally, was up late as well, stressing like crazy over Carly and Jake. It just didn't seem fair that he had worked for three years to win Carly; and Jake had done it in a few months.

Suddenly, he heard the familiar "you've got mail!" come from his laptop. Immediately, the thought of one girl entered his head - Sam. She'd always been there...even though she kind of picked on him. Wait, not even kind of - she did pick on him. But she was his friend. She didn't just jump up and go date a hot guy the second he left. Wait, okay, since when do I care who Sam dates? He didn't, he decided, after a few moments. He simply was grateful that she made it seem, even a little, like he wasn't forgotten.

He read over her email and was immediately hurt. "If you weren't such a geek, I'd wish you were there. But you are, so enjoy yourself in Blaggig!"

Why does she always have to say stuff like that? Even Freddie's large brain couldn't comprehend.

TO: ToughCookie101

FROM: FreddieTech87

Date Sent: September 12th, 2:15 AM

Alright, enough already with the insults, Sam! I'm not kidding this time. I ignored your comments about my mom's organic leg hair present, and about the uniform, and even laughed, sorta, about how you're not studying for your tests. That's because I expected all those things.

But when you start saying stuff like, I'd wish you were here, but you're a dork, so I don't...that's when I draw the line.

I really miss being there, doing iCarly. Even if you don't miss me being there because I know you don't. Anyway, yeah, just...cut it out, alright?

The iAmerican Idol thing seems pretty cool. Ask Spencer if he needs any suggestions on how to mix the lights or make new special affects for it, so, you know, you and Carly can yell things while words come up. Let me know.

By the way, why're you up so late?


Freddie yawned and pressed send without thinking. Then his eyes widened. Oh, god. Did I just tell off Sam? I'm a dead man!

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