iShould've Told You by Edio

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Chapter 7


The rain was beginning to let up as Freddie walked to Spencer's car but there was still a sharp chill in the Seattle air. Strangely though, Freddie felt pretty warm as he smiled to himself about what happened tonight. It was amazing how he changed from just a couple of hours ago. He stopped in the middle of the pathway and tilted the umbrella back to look up at the night sky. He could see the dim stars beyond the patchy, dark clouds. Freddie felt the imagery was appropriate. Though he was still bone-tired from the last few months of sleepless nights and worrying, he felt a little spring in his step for the first time in a long time. His mind started to wander and anxious thoughts about tomorrow started to creep in, but he held on to the buoyant feeling and kept it at bay for a while longer. He started walking again and reached the car door. He quickly ducked in and shook of the umbrella before closing the door.

These days, Spencer drove a hybrid compact. It was definitely convenient and ecological, but it was a bit cramped. Freddie said, "Thanks for coming to get me."

"No worries, Freddo. It's a rough night out." Spencer gave him a sidelong glance with a smile. "I hear you had a tough day today." he added as he put the car into drive. "Although from what I just saw, it seems to have ended well."

"Yeah," Freddie admitted, "I guess. Weird right? Sam and me together I mean."

"Nah, not really. I was expecting it sooner or later. Actually I think everyone else could tell - except you apparently."

Freddie didn't really know what to say to that so he let the next few minutes pass in silence. He stared out the fogged up windows and just watched the city passing by. Spencer had always been a big brother to the three of them. Even though he was sometimes weird and wacky, they could always rely on him for support. It always surprised Freddie how Spencer could somehow see to the heart of things. He broke the silence by abruptly saying, "I guess you know all about me."

"Yes," he admitted. "Marissa told me about almost as soon as you guys found out."

"Really?" Freddie asked in genuine surprise. "You've known for that long and you haven't said anything?"

"Well, I figured you'd come around and tell us yourself. I wanted to give you a chance." Spencer sounded disappointed. "I have to say it took you longer than I thought."

"Yeah, I've been told that a lot lately." Freddie leaned back on the headrest. "I guess I kinda blew it."

"Just a bit - but I'm sure they've already forgiven you."

"I hope so."

Spencer's voice became suddenly serious. "I don't know what they will say about this other thing you are keeping from them."

Freddie sighed. It seemed that Spencer knew everything. He felt the warm feeling from earlier begin to slip away. "It's not that simple," he complained.

"So explain," Spencer said.

"I'm guessing mom told you about it," said Freddie and Spencer nodded. "I mean I understand that I have to go through treatment, it's just... what she wants me to do..." he struggled to find the words. "I mean c'mon- it's my senior year coming up. I'm supposed to be having the time of my life. I really don't want to be that far away from my friends." He knew he was being petulant and whiny, but after the emotional roller coaster he'd been on today he found it hard to care. "And now with Sam and everything... I don't know."

"You won't be gone forever, you know?"

"That's just it. I don't know." Freddie continued in frustration. "I could just as easily get worse in just a few months... "

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