The Last Bell by spinlight

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The Last Bell by spinlight

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Freddie B.
Words: 3,218
Published: Sep 11, 2009


It was mid-day, lunch. The warmth filling the air was faultless - not too thick or humid. Just the right temperature to play against his face and the skin on his forearms, warming his bones and generating a cozy feeling, tricking him into a laze. Freddie sat on the steps, one of the middle ones, leading up towards the school's entrance in a very unlike Freddie Benson manner. He was practically lounging there, legs stretched out as he leaned back using his elbows to prop himself up. There was an half eaten sandwich laying forgotten at his side, resting on a brown paper bag next to a can of root beer and a green apple. His face was tilted towards the sky with his eyes closed, letting the heat flush down upon him. He looked like he didn't have a care in the world, a look and mindset not accustomed to the brunette boy.

It was the first day of school, leading him into his junior year. It was a day he had been looking forward to since school was let out little more than two months ago. Another beginning; another chance at gathering all the facts, and dates, and names he could and just let the knowledge seep into his brain and stew there. It was a new year to push himself as hard as he could and excel past his mom's expectations but moreso the expectations he had for himself. Every morning when he would get up, he would look into the bathroom mirror and say 'There is always room for improvement.' Well, he didn't say it out loud or anything but in his head, that's where the sentiment was expressed. It was a tradition and a superstition.

He had actually been gone for the last week, took a trip with his mom to the east coast to see some extended family. There was a wedding and it involved a bunch of disconcerting memories better burned from his temporal lobe. The less disturbing moments including a long boring ceremony and awkward dancing with what might have been a second cousin at the reception. The seventeen year old shook away the thoughts with a slight shudder, holding steady to his positioning. Anyway, Carly and Sam had been acting kind of weird since he got back like a day ago. He only had a chance to see his best friends for basically an hour yesterday, and not even ten minutes today but the two of them were definitely acting strange, like something was up. The notion to put Gibby on the case caused a rasp chuckle to escape him.

"Wanna let me in on the joke?"

Freddie opened his eyes when her words hit the air (accompanied by a shadow shading his face) to see Carly standing on the steps above him, leaning over in the slightest and peering down with what he wanted to describe as a coy grin but the logic filling his brain refused to let him. She looked nothing short of that beautiful standard he use to apply to her back in the days of his infatuation, when he would put her up on a pedestal. Flowing brunette locks, porcelain skin and faint pink lips. Deep and soulful brown eyes that could explore into your very being at any time if she felt like it. Time had been very good to Carly Shay, maturing her into a young woman.

He offered a friendly smile back up to her, his voice light. "Just the random internal rambling of a nerdy tech producer. Nothing you'd care to really know."

"Sometimes I think you don't want to tell me your thoughts because you don't think I'd understand them."

"That's not it. You are totally smart enough to get 'em, Carls but if I let you into all the inner workings of my head than you'll realize how crazy and neurotic I really am." He paused before continuing on with a mock disheartened nod. "And of course after that, you'd start avoiding me because of how weirded out you were and I'm just not ready for that. I figure I can milk another two years out of this friendship."

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