There I Said It

Começar do início

"Oh my ass hogs the bed?! How about dealing with your fucking snoring and moaning in your sleep?! Or how about dealing with..." As I walked into the bedroom, I slammed the door shut; shutting out his annoying rants and groaned as I rubbed the side of my face.

   I stripped down to my briefs and grabbed my sleepwear; changing before I plopped down into the soft bed.


"So you moan in your sleep?" The bartender asked as he tried to cover his laughter with a cough.

   I rolled my eyes, "Do you want to hear the story or not?"

   He raised his hands up in surrender and nodded, "Good now shut up or else I won't continue."

   I took another sip of my drink and I looked at the glass, as the images flashed back into my mind like a mini movie.


<The Next Day>

"Adam, lets go get your lazy fucking ass up, we have rehearsal in ten minutes!" I heard Tommy yelling from down the hallway.

   I groaned and threw the blanket off of myself and rolled out of bed. I trudged towards my closet and picked out a plain t-shirt and a leather jacket.

    Then I walked over and got a pair of jeans from my dresser drawer and quickly changed. I snatched my eyeliner from the top of my dresser and applied a little bit to my eyes and I ran my hands through my bed hair.

"Adam, lets go!" Tommy exclaimed from the living room and his voice seemed to be getting louder. I heard his feet stomping on the floor as he stormed down the hallway.

   Through the mirror I saw him lean up against the doorway. I placed the eyeliner on the dresser and rolled my eyes and without a word I stormed out of the room and I grabbed my keys from the bowl.

    Barging out of the door, I heard Tommy's voice yelling at me but I was already inside the car with the engine running; as he ran out of the house.

"What the fuck is up with you?" He asked as he got into the passenger seat and started to buckle himself in.

  I felt the anger boiling in my veins, "Get out." I murmured.

"What?" He asked, I saw out of the corner of my eye, his movements froze and he turned to face me.

"Get out of my fucking car!" I said a little bit louder.

"No, not until you explain to me why." I turned to face him and he had his arms crossed over his chest, his black smoky eyes glaring at me.

"I don't need an explanation, Ratliff. Just get out of my fucking goddamn car. You have your own." Tommy huffed and got out of the car, slamming the door shut and stomping off towards his red Porsche.

"See you at the fucking studio, Lambert." Tommy exclaimed as he got into his car.

   I rolled my eyes and sped out of the driveway.


"Seriously do you have to always take charge around here?!" Tommy yelled at me.

Adommy One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora