Volume 8 Chapter 6 - Truth of the World

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Every swing of Kevin's sword felt like a relentless assault, pushing me further and further back. His mastery of the blade was evident, each strike executed with precision and finesse that made it nearly impossible to keep up, even with my heightened perception granted by the Eyes of Revelation.

But what struck me more than his skill was the mischievous smile on his face, taunting me with the knowledge that he still had so much more to unleash.

I was reminded me of my past and the title I once held: the genius of Elenoir. Back then, surrounded by adulation and praise, I believed I possessed unrivaled talent. Yet, everything changed when I crossed paths with Gary.

He was not just stronger; he was in a league of his own, his talent surpassing mine in every aspect. It shattered the illusion of my greatness, revealing the depths of my own shortcomings.

Determined to overcome my past and the lingering sense of weakness, I dedicated myself to relentless training and self-improvement. Uncovering the truth about my lineage and returning to Epheotus, I immersed myself in honing my abilities, striving to become someone who could protect those dear to me.

And then, against all odds, she returned.

Saphira Claxter, my mother, stood before me, a force of power unrivalled and unattainable. Her presence alone rendered me powerless, unable to even fathom the strength she possessed.

Why won't my sword reach him?

Why won't my blade reach Kevin's throat so I can kill him?

What am I missing?

Kevin's smirk widened as our swords clashed once more, but this time, a discernible shift occurred. I could feel my strike being relentlessly pushed back, a forceful indication of a familiar sword style—the one Gary had employed years ago at Xyrus Academy against Arthur and me. It was a mastery where each successive strike compounded the power of its predecessor, an artistry approaching the pinnacle.

Arthur had exposed a vulnerability in this technique during a past tournament—a moment just before the linking happened, where the power reached its zenith.

As Kevin's left foot slid back, he executed a sweeping arc with his sword, an overt display that puzzled me. Why give me such an apparent opening? Was it a trap, or perhaps a ruse to manipulate my perception?

Despite the uncertainty, I chose to seize the opportunity, allowing Faithkeeper's verdant edge to cleave through the air toward his arm, while my second sword aimed for his outstretched right knee.

What transpired next left me in shock.

Instead of the expected surge in power, Kevin's sword moved with unprecedented speed. Even with my enhanced eyesight, it seemed as if he had momentarily transcended the constraints of time itself. His knee deftly evaded my sword strike, and his heavy blade met Faithkeeper.

The sheer force compelled my entire body to lurch downward, and in that vulnerable moment, he exploited it by driving a knee into my chin, shattering my mana-augmented defenses.

Discarding his sword, Kevin unleashed a barrage of kicks and punches, a symphony of blows raining down on me. My eyes strained to keep pace with his movements as he flawlessly struck various points across my body.

'Shit!' I cursed internally as I was treated like a punching bag by Kevin. I focused on defending my vitals and tried to find an opportunity to counter attack.

Black flames of vivum manifested in front of him, forcing him to move and allowing me to get out of the dangerous situation.

|Third POV|

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