Volume 4 Chapter 19 - Truth

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[A/N: Quadruple update today!]


As the moment of departure drew near, Arthur and Alistair made their way to bid farewell to their respective families. The separation was undeniably bittersweet, especially for Alistair and Tessia, as the elven princess clung onto her beloved prince, reluctant to let him embark on this journey to a foreign land.

However, before they could part ways, I halted them, pulling them aside and away from the watchful eyes of Windsom.

"With this being our last gathering for several years, it falls upon us to make a solemn vow," I declared, my voice resolute. "By the time we reunite, each and every one of us must have reached the white stage. We shall emerge as the saviors and heroes of this continent!"

A wave of determination washed over our assembled group as they nodded in agreement, their expressions filled with unwavering resolve.

Soon, the time came for us to disperse and meet our own families. I returned to my opulent mansion, where my mother and father eagerly awaited my arrival.

Now, it was finally time for me to reveal the truth to them, to unburden my heart and disclose the weighty secrets I had carried for so long.

I was ushered into the mansion by the maids and the butler, all of them having worried expressions on their face. I gave a light smile to ease them up and calm them down before walking to my parents' room.

"Mother, father," I greeted them, my voice carrying a mix of solemnity and determination.

Instantly, my mother rushed towards me, her eyes scanning me for any signs of injury. Only when she was reassured of my well-being did she settle back into her seat, her gaze fixated on me with a blend of concern and curiosity.

"There is something of utmost importance that the two of you need to know," I began, the weight of my words hanging in the air. Their inquisitive gazes compelled me to continue, and they took their places in front of me, ready to listen.

"Before we delve into this, I must confess something that has weighed heavily on my mind ever since I arrived in this world," I revealed, my voice steady despite the storm of emotions raging within me.

A hush fell over the room as my parents absorbed my words, their expressions a mix of confusion and apprehension.

"Coming to this world? What do you mean, Honey? You were born here... I-I don't understand," my mother uttered, her grip on my hands tightening as if she feared losing me.

My father, on the other hand, regarded me silently, his eyes conveying a sense of patience, awaiting the truth to unfold. Taking a deep breath, I reassured my mother with a gentle smile before continuing.

"Of course, I was born here, Mom. I am your flesh and blood, a part of both of you. Please, trust me when I say that I remember my birth more vividly than anyone else possibly could," I reassured, attempting to ease her worries.

"I was transported, reborn... I don't fully comprehend the intricacies of how it all transpired, but somehow, I was taken from my original world and brought into this one," I disclosed, my voice steady but tinged with a hint of wonder.

"Wait a minute, Son... you're going to have to back up—" my father interjected, his voice laced with a mix of confusion and disbelief.

With great detail, I proceeded to paint a vivid picture of the world I hailed from, the role I played there, and the connections I forged, leaving no stone unturned. It was crucial for them to understand the gravity of my revelations.

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