Volume 1 Chapter 2 - Alistair

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(A/N: I will try to update this fanfic once every two days before vacation ends and then update weekly. Double chapter today since, well, this chapter just came from my old fanfic with some editing.)

|Third Person Perspective|

A delectable aroma wafted through the air, filling the humble abode in no time. The sound of a page being turned was interrupted by a young boy lifting his head and sniffing the air. Excitement bloomed in his chest, and he abandoned his book to run towards the source of the scent.

"Mama, are you cooking something?" he asked eagerly.

The woman, her sapphire eyes blending perfectly with her snow-white hair, beamed down at her son and scooped him up in her arms. His own hair was as white as snow, but his eyes were a fiery red.

"You have a nose like a hound, my dear Alistair," she said in a soft, musical voice, "Yes, I'm cooking dinner. Are you hungry?"

Alistair nodded his head vigorously, a smile splitting his face from ear to ear. His mother set him down, and he raced over to the dining table, his stomach grumbling with hunger as he waited for his mother to serve him his meal.


A few months later, the two of them were outside hunting. The mother was teaching the boy how to use a bow and a dagger.

"Pay attention, Alistair," she said, demonstrating how to pull back the bowstring and use Wind magic to increase the force of the attack. "You must aim properly and use a homing spell if the prey is too far."

Alistair listened carefully, absorbing every detail. With his small bow, he pulled back the string and infused his arrow with wind mana before letting it fly. The arrow hit the deer's head, killing it instantly.

His mother was impressed and overjoyed. She picked Alistair up and hugged him, causing him to laugh in delight.

"You did it, my little hunter," she said, ruffling his snow-white hair. 

Alistair beamed with pride, feeling encouraged by his mother's words.


Alistair had grown into a skilled hunter, and his unique eyes granted him an advantage in the wild. His mother had taught him about the kingdom of Elenoir, where they lived, and the dangers that lurked within the dense forests.

Despite his training, Alistair never expected to come home to find his house burning under black flames. With wind magic, he darted towards the source of the smoke, his heart pounding in his chest.

As he arrived, he fell to his knees, devastated at the sight of his home in ruins. His mother, her once-pure white clothes now stained golden with blood, stood before him, her eyes turning red with black markings inside. She urged him to flee, but Alistair couldn't bear to leave her side.

Suddenly, a towering figure clad in black descended from above. He was over seven feet tall, with black horns protruding from his head. Just being near him sent shivers down Alistair's spine. The man noticed Alistair and spoke in a chilling voice, "So this is your child?"

Ignoring the intruder, Alistair's mother turned to her son and shoved a silver ring into his palm. "I'm sorry, Alistair, but you must run now. Take this and run!" Her voice was urgent and filled with fear.

Alistair bolted away, glancing back to see his mother summoning mana and aether to form a giant, purple humanoid statue. Meanwhile, the black-clad man summoned black flames and charged towards her.

The sound of battle echoed through the forest as Alistair ran, clutching the silver ring tightly in his hand. His heart ached with fear and sadness, but he knew he had to keep moving to stay alive.

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