Volume 5 Chapter 10 - New Mentor

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My training under Lord Claxter was both demanding and immensely rewarding. With his guidance, I delved deeper into the true potential of the Revelation Eye, honing my mastery over the vivum aspect in a remarkably short span of a few months.

One day, as I was engrossed in my training, Lord Claxter's commanding voice resounded through the training area. Startled, I turned to face him, only to find him accompanied by another man, who exuded an aura of confidence and expertise.

"Alistair," Lord Claxter addressed me, his piercing sapphire eyes assessing my progress, "Allow me to introduce Caleb Claxter, my son and your new mentor. He will impart his knowledge of swordsmanship and guide you in further harnessing the power of the Revelation Eye. While I will be involved in your training intermittently, my duties as the clan's leader will require my attention."

As Lord Claxter's words settled in the air, I inclined my head in a silent acceptance. My gaze shifted to Caleb, the new figure who had entered the training area. He stood tall and confident, his commanding presence filling the space around him.

The aura of authority emanating from Caleb was palpable, like an invisible force that demanded respect. His composed demeanor and steady gaze exuded experience and proficiency. It was as if he had carved his path through countless battles, each step etching a story of his mastery.

In that moment, a surge of anticipation coursed through my veins. I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for this seasoned warrior. I knew that beneath his calm exterior lay a wealth of knowledge and expertise, waiting to be shared with me.

Without a word spoken, the unspoken agreement between us was forged. As our eyes met, a mutual understanding passed between us. I was ready to learn from Caleb, to absorb every ounce of wisdom he possessed, and to unlock the true potential of the Revelation Eye and learn swordsmanship under his guidance.

In that silent exchange, the anticipation grew stronger, fueling my determination to embrace the challenges ahead and embark on a path of growth and mastery.

As Lord Claxter's presence faded from the training area, Caleb turned his attention to me, his voice carrying a tone of genuine warmth and respect.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, cousin Alistair," he began, his words laced with sincerity. "Before we embark on this journey together, I want you to know that my father and I hold your mother in the highest regard. Her strength, grace, and unwavering spirit have left an indelible mark on our hearts. It is out of this deep reverence that we are committed to ensuring you do not falter or fall short in fulfilling your rightful role as the heir of the Claxter clan."

His words resonated with me, stirring a mix of surprise and gratitude. I had assumed Caleb, being Lord Claxter's son, would be the natural successor to lead the clan. Yet, Caleb's explanation unveiled a deeper truth.

Shaking my head in a gesture of bewilderment, I voiced my thoughts, "But I always believed you would be the heir, given your lineage as Lord Claxter's son."

Caleb's eyes met mine, his gaze unwavering, as he gently countered my assumption, "You see, cousin, my father took up the mantle of leadership only after your mother's departure from Epheotus. He did so to ensure stability within the clan during a tumultuous time. But make no mistake, you are the true and rightful heir to the Claxter clan. Your lineage and heritage, regardless of any doubts or prejudices others may harbor due to your mixed blood, cannot be denied."

"Now," he said, drawing forth a gleaming silver longsword at his side, "Let us assess your current prowess in the art of swordsmanship."

The clash of blades echoed throughout the training area, but the outcome was inevitable from the start. His mastery of the sword surpassed mine in every aspect, his strength overpowering mine effortlessly.

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