Volume 3 Chapter 23 - Hell's Jaw IV

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"Great job, everyone!" the voice announced. "Now that all of you except Gary are here, I will grant you the honor of witnessing his battle against his chosen opponent."

Excitement and anticipation filled the air as the seven of us gathered around the screens to watch Gary's battle. We were all eager to see what surprises he had in store for us this time.

As the screen flickered to life, I was greeted by the intense battle between Gary and his enigmatic golden-haired opponent, Alexis. Even through the display artifact's screen, it was clear that the adversary possessed a strength far beyond my own, and I couldn't help but feel a tinge of worry for my friend.

Alexis introduced himself with an air of confidence before the battle commenced. A strange golden aura enveloped him, and I couldn't quite decipher its meaning through the distorted transmission.

Pushing aside my curiosity, I focused on the fight, transfixed as the two swordsmen engaged in a dance of blades. They began with the basics of swordsmanship, showcasing their skill without resorting to advanced techniques just yet.

The two of them were completely equal in this measure, but the execution of their basics was far beyond my own. It was mesmerizing to watch as they clashed their swords, moving with such fluidity that it seemed as if they were dancing.

Their swords clashed with a loud metallic sound, causing them to create some distance between each other.

"Incredible," Alexis remarked, "Your mastery of basic swordsmanship is on par with mine."

"I could say the same about you, Alexis," Gary replied.

Their mutual respect for each other's skills was palpable, even through the artifact's display. But Alexis wasn't content with just exchanging basic techniques. He took an unfamiliar stance, and a strange golden aura started emanating from him.

"Shall we increase the difficulty then?" he asked.

Gary nodded, his own aura starting to flare up in response.

Both of their bodies vanished in a blur as they accelerated to their peak speed. My eyes managed to keep up with their movements as their swords clashed with a deafening clang. However, Alexis managed to get the upper hand in the exchange and delivered a slight injury to Gary.

"He was able to land a hit on him even at that speed?" Arthur muttered in disbelief.

I had to concur with him; their speed was so rapid that even though I was able to track their movements with my eyes, I knew I could never land a hit on them.

As Gary healed himself using vivum, Alexis wasted no time in closing in on him. Gary barely managed to avoid the attack by teleporting using spatium.

"His reflexes are lightning-fast," commented the Professor, "And what kind of beast is that he's using for healing and teleportation? I've heard of healing beasts, but never ones that can teleport."

Arthur and I remained silent to his query, not wanting to give up any information about aether.

Alexis's golden aura intensified, taking on a powerful glow that left everyone breathless.

"What is that aura?" Rachel exclaimed.

The others shook their heads, equally clueless. Alexis turned to Gary, who was looking at him with a curious expression.

"Curious about this aura? It's the physical manifestation of aether and mana working together, instead of separately like yours."

"Aether?" Tessia asked, tilting her head curiously. "What is that?"

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