Volume 1 - Epilogue

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"Gary, are you sure about this?" my father asked, his gaze darting between me and my mother, who looked worried.

I nodded, trying to hide my excitement. This was my chance to secretly train and nurture my primary core without the watchful eyes of three silver-stage mages at home.

"But he's only seven years old," my mother protested. "And you want to send him to the Beast Glades? Do you want our only son to die?"

"Don't worry, Liza," my father said, trying to soothe her. "Galliard will accompany him."

I frowned at the mention of Sir Galliard. I wanted to prove that I could handle this on my own, but I knew my parents would never allow it.

"Father, mother, how about this? If I receive an AA-class in the examination, then I can go alone. Otherwise, Sir Galliard will accompany me," I suggested, hoping to find a compromise.

My mother hesitated but finally relented. "Fine," she said, her eyes still showing her reluctance. "But you must visit us every few months, and you can only go for adventuring for four years."

I agreed to their conditions, even though I knew it would be a challenge. "Don't worry, I'll make you proud," I promised.

My father nodded, and then rummaged through his spatial ring to retrieve a small golden ring with a purple hexagonal gemstone in the middle. "Take this," he said, handing it to me. "It has a protective function and will inform us if you are in danger."

I examined the ring closely, noting its intricate design. "Thank you," I said, slipping it onto my finger. It didn't feel any different, but I knew I needed to trust my father's words.

With a smile, I released my solid orange core's aura. "I'm ready," I said confidently.

"Your new sword that you commissioned is also here," my father added, "Though the blacksmith did mention it was the hardest sword he ever crafted."

With a slight nod of my head, I excused myself from the room and went to the guest room.

As I entered the guest room, my eyes were immediately drawn to the well-built man seated on the couch. He was wearing semi-formal clothes and there was a long, thin blade in the design of a katana sheathed next to him.

"Ah, Young Master Gary! Your sword has been completed!" he exclaimed, rising to his feet with the sword.

I thanked him and picked up the sword, unsheathing it to reveal a pure black curved blade. The balance of the sword felt perfect even for my underdeveloped body.

"What is the sword's name?" I inquired.

"The name is on the side of the hilt," he replied.

I turned the blade around and read the name on the hilt, "Dusk's Shadowfang," I muttered under my breath.

"The blade was created using midnight steel, one of the rarest and strongest metals known to man. The hilt of the sword was coated in adamantium, the strongest metal, while it was mostly made of titanium. This sword has an incredible mana absorption capability and will certainly suit you," the blacksmith explained.

As I examined the sword, I felt a sharp pain and noticed a bit of my blood being drawn out. "Ah!" I exclaimed.

"The blade is just bonding with you, Young Master," the blacksmith reassured me.

I had never heard of bonding blades before, and I wondered if only true masters could create them.

Activating my secondary core, I pushed all my four elements into the sword, causing it to light up with a canopy of brilliant, colorful stars.

"This sword is suited to all elements that can be mastered," the blacksmith said before gathering his things. "It has been a bit late, I must go now. The only wish I have is that you use the blade wisely, Young Master."

I nodded my understanding and watched as he departed. As I held the sword, I couldn't help but feel that it was perfect for me.



"Come on, Rachel, we need to train harder for the Three Races Tournament!" I encouraged my friend, trying to motivate her.

"Give me a second, you brute!" Rachel panted, her hands resting on her knees.

I chuckled, accustomed to her foul language despite her noble upbringing. "You're only at the light red stage, you need more practice," I pointed out, hoping to spur her on.

"Well, you're only at the dark orange stage!" Rachel retorted, her cheeks flushed with frustration.

I grinned at her competitive spirit, but didn't let up. "That's why we need to practice. Come on, let's go again."

Rachel conjured a stream of water, which I easily deflected with a flick of my wrist, calling up a shield of wind. "This is more like it," I said, feeling the adrenaline rush as I attacked Rachel with all my might.


|Third Person|

Priscilla's gasp echoed throughout the room as she watched her daughter, Kathyln, awaken at the age of seven. Overcome with emotion, she ran towards her and hugged her tightly, unable to contain her excitement.

"What happened, mother?" Kathyln asked, rubbing her eyes as she looked around the unfamiliar room she found herself in.

"You've awakened, my dear! A genius has been born in the Sapin family!" Priscilla exclaimed, tears of joy streaming down her face.

Having studied magic and mana from a young age, Kathyln quickly understood what her mother was saying and smiled, returning the embrace.

Soon, news of the young prodigy's awakening spread, and the King and the young Prince arrived to witness the momentous occasion. The King's eyes widened in amazement as he saw the site, realizing the significance of what had just happened.

"A genius is born! A genius is born!" he cheered, his excitement palpable.

Curtis, Kathyln's brother, was initially confused by the commotion but quickly caught on. "My sister already awakened?! Incredible!" he exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face.

(A/N: The Epilogue chapter was short for this volume since Tessia, Alistair and Arthur were already covered in another chapter. This volume itself had fewer chapters than future volumes will have. I have planned 15 chapters for the second volume, though it may have more than that. I will be updating this fanfic every Tuesday. This fanfic is also going to get a custom cover sometime in February after the custom cover for my first fanfic is made.)

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