Volume 2 Chapter 0 - Prologue

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|Agrona Vritra|

Frustration boiled inside me as I unleashed my King's Force, causing my subjects to crumble under its weight. We had failed three times and I couldn't bear it any longer. I turned to Cristys, my most trusted aide, who hung his head in shame, pleading for forgiveness.

"Calm down, Agrona," a commanding voice interjected.

Only a young Vritra could speak to me so boldly and not suffer the consequences.

"Jezebeth, three more reincarnates have been born in Dicathen. Any issues?" I demanded, facing the boy with purple eyes that hid his immense knowledge and power.

Jezebeth lounged on his chair, his gaze full of arrogance, but there was no denying his strength.

"Don't worry about them. The lesser-world reincarnates won't be a problem. My only concern is him. If he's among them, we're in danger," Jezebeth said while toying with his grey-silver hair.

I'd asked Jezebeth for this person's name many times, but he'd always avoided answering, referring to him only as "him." But I could sense the obsession in his eyes, an obsession that surpassed even my own.

"Jezebeth, you must disclose this information for our plan to succeed," I urged, emphasising my superiority in the present.

His purple eyes pierced through me, and I shuddered under his gaze.

"You're right. With this inferior body, it'll take me a decade to surpass you asuras. But the person I speak of fought me as an equal. His intellect and tenacity exceeded mine," Jezebeth admitted.

I was shocked. "Smarter than you? Who is he?"

Jezebeth's face twisted into a demonic smile. "He's a broken man, a psychopath. He'd even use his lover as bait to achieve his goal. Perhaps if he were to resurrect, he might regain his humanity."

I couldn't fathom who this person was. "Should we be concerned about him?"

Jezebeth waved a dismissive hand. "Don't worry. He's not coming here. Did you detect any abnormalities when I arrived?"

I nodded, relieved. Focusing on one person was a waste of time when he might not even exist.

But the thought of capturing Epheotus, taking what was rightfully mine, made my eyes gleam with desire. Jezebeth seemed to share my ambition as we laughed together, mad and obsessed.



I let out a deep breath as my fingers delicately weaved the threads of destiny together. Beads of sweat trickled down my forehead, and I could feel the weight of exhaustion bearing down on me.

My only friend, a wise old man, looked at me with concern etched on his face. "Are you sure it's worth it?" he asked.

I nodded, my eyes fixed on the tapestry of fate unfolding before me. "He's the only one who can take on the monster that Agrona brought to our world," I replied. "Even if it means sacrificing my own life force, it's worth it if it means saving our world."

"You can't do this alone," he said, his voice filled with urgency as he helped me stay on my feet. "You're our hope. You have to live."

"I will live," I assured him, forcing a small smile. "But I can't protect Dicathen on my own. He's the one we've been waiting for, the one who will walk the toughest path and save us all."



As I delved into magic training, I couldn't ignore the strange sensations that pulsed through my body. Manipulating mana came easily to me, and in a few short months, I surpassed the abilities of most black-stage mages. But it didn't feel entirely natural.

As if an invisible force was guiding my every movement, the flow of mana through my core and channels seemed to be out of my control. Despite this eerie feeling, I pushed on, determined to hone my craft. My mother was thrilled with my progress, proud to see me becoming one of the brightest talents in Dicathen.

With her unwavering support, I sought out qualified conjuring teachers to help me refine my magic. Alongside this, I began to learn archery and was amazed by how easily the bow felt in my hands. My instructor's eyes widened in surprise as I hit bullseye after bullseye with incredible accuracy.

But even with my remarkable talent, there was a nagging sense that something was not quite right. It was as if my body was being pulled in a direction far from the confines of the palace.

The strange feeling of being pulled somewhere persisted, and I couldn't ignore it any longer. I wondered what was causing it and what it meant for my future.

"Kat, Kat!" My mother's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I turned to face her.

"I'm sorry, mother," I said, a faint smile on my lips. "What's up?"

Her face lit up with excitement as she leaned in. "What do you think of getting engaged to Gary Whiteborn? You met him five years ago on his second birthday."

I furrowed my brow, trying to recall the memory. "I don't remember him, mother. But I'm open to meeting him."

Her smile widened. "That can certainly be arranged. Liza told me he's coming back when he turns eleven, so we can arrange a meeting then."

"Coming back from where?" I asked, curious.

"He's been adventuring," she explained, "And Liza was quite worried about him."

I felt a strange flutter in my chest, and I couldn't explain why. I'd never even heard Gary's name before, except when my mother spoke of Liza.

But something about the thought of meeting him stirred a strange feeling inside me, and I couldn't shake the sensation that we were somehow connected. Perhaps meeting him would help me make sense of it.

(A/N: Done with the prologue. I published this chapter way earlier than intended because I have tests next week and I can't publish on Tuesday. The next chapter will be coming on Tuesday 24th Jan, giving me some time to plan my chapters. I have 14 total chapters planned, but the details are unclear as of now. Anyway, see you guys later!)

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