Volume 3 Chapter 22 - Hell's Jaw III

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Despite my defeat, I couldn't help but smile. She had been wrong about me all along.

"I'm not so sure about that," I called out to Alexis as he turned to walk away.

He paused, his back to me as I stood up.

"Because I finally feel like I can go all out."

When I first journeyed to the Beast Glades several years ago, I had many expectations of the place and how much it would strengthen me. However, I made a shocking discovery that was almost as profound as aether itself - ice magic.

This element was dormant within my primary mana core, and I had not used it at all back home. I was amazed to discover the incredible synergy between aether and ice magic during my time in the Beast Glades. Despite my initial reluctance to use ice magic due to my preference for wind and lightning magic, I couldn't ignore my raw talent for the element.

I decided to make it the last card up my sleeve, honing it in secret as I continued to train in my existing swordsmanship styles. However, as I delved deeper into the intricacies of ice magic, I realized that I needed to adjust my swordsmanship style to fully capitalise on its potential. It was a long and difficult journey, but I persevered and finally completed my new style just after the tournament.


I couldn't help but feel intrigued by this mysterious boy, standing up as if nothing happened, claiming he had been holding back. Was he bluffing or did he have yet another card up his sleeve?

"How interesting," I muttered under my breath before turning to face him, my golden aura flaring with power.

And then, the world itself seemed to stop as Gary unleashed a power from deep inside him. Suddenly, his grey hair turned a stark white, and his amethyst eyes transformed into a piercing blue. He exhaled, and with his breath came a sudden drop in temperature throughout the cavern.

I looked down in amazement to find the once-reinforced ground now frozen solid, the ice creeping up the walls and encasing everything in its path.

This boy had an incredible talent for ice magic, one that I had never witnessed before. I felt a shiver run down my spine, as I realized that I might have underestimated him.


As I unleashed my ice magic to its fullest potential, I felt a surge of exhilaration. Until then, no opponent had been worthy of facing the full force of my power, but now I finally met my match in Alexis.

My cores spun to life, surging with their maximum potential as Realmheart activated. I felt a deep connection with the ambient mana and aether around me, sensing their movements and patterns.

As I looked around, I could see the particles of the four basic elements of mana and the purple motes of aether lighting up the cavern, becoming visible to my enhanced senses.

Curious, I focused on Alexis's golden aura and observed the peculiar dance of aether and mana intertwining within it. It was as if witnessing a new discovery that could potentially unlock new levels of power.

But for now, I couldn't quite grasp its full potential.

As I entered Realmheart, I gained a newfound appreciation for the true extent of Alexis's power. In terms of the power scale from my old world, Alexis would easily be classified as B+ rank.

Comparing him to the Lances, they would barely scrape by as B- rank, with Varay being the only one above them, almost reaching B rank.

Yet, even that didn't seem to do justice to Alexis's true power. It was evident that he had already surpassed B+ rank and had entered into the realm of A rank.

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