Volume 5 Chapter 6 - Kordri

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[A/N: Here you go, I buffed Arthur.]


As my opponent's kick connected, a devastating low sweep shattered both of my legs simultaneously. Collapsing to the ground, I was unable to evade a sharp jab that dislocated my right shoulder. Defenseless and in excruciating pain, I shifted my gaze between the man who had overwhelmed me to such an unimaginable degree and my severed left arm, which he held in his hand.

Windsom had assured me that the pain experienced in this domain would be greatly diminished. If that were true, how much more agonizing would these wounds be if I were to feel them in their full intensity?

The individual responsible for my mortal injuries approached me with a mixed expression, offering a terse nod as he snapped his fingers. "Enough," he stated, and the world faded into blackness. And just like that, I awoke, finding all my limbs intact and unbroken.

Immediately, I crumpled to all fours, heaving and expelling the remnants of my last meal as I struggled to catch my breath. My vomit dissipated upon contact with the small sapphire pond in which I had been meditating. Unsure if the dampness was from the magical liquid surrounding me or the copious amount of sweat and grime discharged from the stress, I wiped my lips wearily.

"The human boy possesses admirable willpower. How much time has elapsed, Windsom?" The deep and controlled voice, akin to the one that had shattered most of the 206 bones in my body, spoke calmly.

"Approximately fifteen minutes have passed outside," Windsom replied tersely.

"So, roughly three hours transpired for us in there." The lean man with a shaved head remarked, his voice tinged with surprise and pride. I observed the conversation between the two asuras wearily, wiping away the traces of vomit from my lips.

The training process persisted for an extensive duration until I finally attained a level where I could engage in hand-to-hand combat with Kordri.

Progressing further, we transitioned to practicing the manipulation of Dawn's Ballad, my trusty teal sword, while Kordri focused on channeling his formidable aura, known as King's Force.

The purpose of this particular aura was to provide me with training that would enable me to withstand and confront adversaries of greater power, instilling within me the courage to face them without succumbing to fear.

Although I possessed innate courage, real-life training was essential to imbue my body with the necessary defenses against instinctual fear in the presence of Kordri's formidable aura.

It wasn't enough to rely solely on my mental fortitude. I needed to train my physical form to resist the overwhelming pressure and intimidation that emanated from his King's Force. The intensity of his aura demanded a physical response, not just a mental one.

Through rigorous practice and countless confrontations with Kordri's aura, I gradually conditioned myself to remain steadfast and resolute. Each encounter taught me to stand firm, to resist the urge to shrink back, and to confront the immense power head-on.

With every session, my body grew stronger, my reflexes sharper, and my confidence in facing powerful opponents grew exponentially. It was a process of honing both mind and body, merging courage with skill, until I could stand my ground without flinching in the face of overwhelming force.

"Focus your gaze on me, Arthur," Kordri's commanding voice snapped me back to reality, his fists a blur as he unleashed lightning-fast jabs and hooks towards me.

With precise calculations, I effortlessly evaded each attack, my teal blade, Dawn's Ballad, gleaming in the light as I countered with a swift slash aimed at his jugular.

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