Volume 3 Chapter 21 - Hell's Jaw II

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My stomach churned with a familiar feeling as the space around me twisted and warped. Despite Arthur, Alistair, and I trying our best to resist the use of spatium, all of us were still forcibly teleported.

As the world around me settled, I found myself standing in a well-lit cavern. The walls were lined with purple jets of aether that pulsated with energy, reinforcing the structure. The cavern itself was built like a coliseum, clearly designed for mages to battle against each other.

My eyes scanned the area, taking in the details of the space. The ground was made of a smooth obsidian material, with faint purple glyphs etched into the surface. 

"So you are the one I must humble." 

The voice echoed through the chamber, sending shivers down my spine. It was a voice of power and arrogance, one that demanded attention and respect. Yet it had an ethereal timbre, one that suggested there was more to it than it seemed.

As I turned to face the source of the sound, my eyes fell upon a young man, only a few years older than me. His striking golden hair shone in the dim light, while his black eyes seemed to pierce through my very soul.

There was something almost otherworldly about his appearance, yet his mana signature indicated that he was undoubtedly human. But what struck me the most was the uncanny similarity he shared with the mysterious being who had introduced me to aether in the Death Talons Dungeon.

His flush face was full of life, yet as pale as a sheet of paper. His presence was imposing, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of danger emanating from him. This was the person I was here to face, the one who was meant to humble me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my brow furrowing as I placed my hand on the hilt of my sword. I was prepared to ignite both of my cores at a moment's notice.

"It means exactly what I said," he replied before disappearing from my line of sight. Suddenly, I felt a hand grasp my left shoulder, sending shivers of danger down my spine.

I thought, 'I didn't even see him move, nor did I sense any mana or aether.'

We turned to face each other, his black eyes locking with my amethyst ones. He let out a sigh before grumbling, "You're only at this level? Why did she send me, then?"

A wave of frustration mixed with anger washed over me, threatening to disrupt my focus. However, I quickly regained control and activated Monarch's Indifference, allowing me to suppress my emotions and adopt an indifferent demeanor.

"Who sent you?" I asked, forcefully pushing his hand off my shoulder. He stepped back, and with a deep sigh, replied, "I'll tell you if you entertain me, Gary Whiteborn."

I couldn't help but wonder if the being who introduced me to aether had sent him. Could this be some sort of trial? I needed answers, but I also knew that I had to focus on the task at hand.

"Unsheathe your blade," he said, "Oh, I am Alexis, by the way."

I let out a sigh of resignation before activating both my cores. 

Alexis drew his sword, its dazzling golden blade glinting in the dimly lit cavern. The platinum hilt, encrusted with precious gems, sparkled in the purple aether-lit ambiance.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, drawing mana and aether around him. The atmosphere shifted, crackling with energy as he augmented his body, preparing for battle.

I observed him closely, analyzing his movements and tactics. It was evident that he was not using his full power, but only a fraction of it.

We both acknowledged the unspoken agreement and engaged in a fierce sword fight, exchanging blows with basic swordsmanship skills.

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