Volume 4 Chapter 8 - Cottage

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As we rode towards Grandma Rinia's cottage, I couldn't help but sigh in awe at the picturesque spring morning. It was one of those scenes that begged to be appreciated. The air was still cool and crisp, with bright morning dew glittering on the moss-covered rocks lining the road. The sun's rays peeked through the old trees towering above us, painting everything in a golden hue.

The carriage we were riding in moved smoothly on the even, marble-like paths smoothed from centuries of use. Sylvie was a bundle of excitement, trying to jump out of the carriage to chase butterflies and birds. Arthur had to grab her tail a couple of times to keep her from doing so.

"Arthur, I have to say that your bond continues to intrigue me," Alduin Eralith remarked, raising an amused brow as Sylvie promptly shot out and grabbed a passing bird with her jaws.

"Now now, leave the boy and his pet alone. In such a vast and mysterious land as ours, you can't be so surprised at things like this," Virion chided his son with a wagging finger.

"I'd have to agree with you, Grandfather. But Arthur's bond is unique compared to all the other mana beasts I've seen. Even though she's an infant, her gaze twinkles with intelligence," Merial chimed in, leaning in closer to Sylvie, who was still chewing on the bird she took down.

'Of course, that's the case. She's an asura like me, after all,' I thought.

"Don't forget that Sylvie is super cute too!" Tess exclaimed as she picked up Sylvie and hugged her.

"Bahaha! I can't help but worry that my granddaughter will one day choose her precious bond not by its strength but by its appearance!" Virion laughed heartily, making everyone except for the princess snicker in agreement.

The journey to Grandma Rinia's secluded cottage was a lengthy one, even with the aid of a trusty mana beast pulling the carriage. Tess drifted off to sleep, her head resting against her mother's shoulder, while Merial dozed off beside her daughter, her head leaning on Tess'.

As the carriage rumbled along, Virion leaned forward and addressed Arthur and me in a hushed tone, "I've already informed my son, but I must emphasize that where we're headed is not a typical cottage. Rinia has isolated herself near the edge of the kingdom and has taken great pains to secure her abode. Last time I made an unannounced visit, I nearly lost my life to the traps and defenses she had set up."

I furrowed my brow, intrigued by Virion's grave tone. "Why would Elder Rinia need to take such extreme measures to protect herself?"

"I cannot say for certain, but my best guess is that there are individuals out there who pose a threat to her safety. I've informed Rinia that we'll be visiting this time, so it should be safe, but I urge you both to keep your wits about you and be vigilant for any signs of intrusion."

My mind immediately jumped to Rinia's unique abilities as a deviant that worked on the principle of aether, which only a select few trusted individuals should be aware of. But who else could possibly know about her secret talents?

"I understand," I replied, my voice steady.

With that, Gramps and Arthur dozed off, their arms crossed and heads nodding with the motion of the carriage. The only ones still awake were Sylvie, the carriage driver, Tess' father, and myself. Sylvie had her front paws pressed against the window, her tail wagging excitedly as she scanned the passing scenery for potential prey.

Alduin's aged face looked relaxed as he gazed vacantly at the moving scenery outside the carriage. Each wrinkle and crease on his face spoke of the burden of being a king and now a leading figure of the continent.

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