Volume 3 Chapter 20 - Hell's Jaw I

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As we arrived at the destination, in front of the teleportation gate, I couldn't contain my curiosity any longer. "So, what's the plan, Professor Glory?"

She took a deep breath before responding, "Well, it turns out that you seven Paladins are just too powerful for me to lead on a low-level dungeon with any sense of control. So, we've decided to send you to an A-rank dungeon instead."

I couldn't help but feel a bit excited at the prospect of a greater challenge, but Rachel gasped in shock at the sudden change in plans.

Lancelot, always the pragmatic one, asked the most important question, "Who will be leading us?"

"It will be Professor Fejalk," Professor Glory replied just as a presence entered my sensory range from above.

We all looked up to see a figure descending from the sky, and as he landed gracefully on the ground in front of us. His vibrant red hair glistened under the sunlight, and he sported a pair of sleek glasses that accentuated his sharp features.

"Hello again!" he greeted us with a friendly wave. "I'll be leading you on your expedition into the A-rank dungeon. Don't worry, I'm an SS-rank adventurer and more than capable of handling an A-rank dungeon by myself. Though with you all, I'll be more of a guide than a protector."

"There will be no groups since you're only seven," he continued. With a signal from Professor Glory, we proceeded to enter the gate one by one, with Professor Fejalk stepping in last.

As the guard stationed at the gate checked with Professor Fejalk and adjusted the settings, I felt a familiar churning in my stomach as we prepared to teleport. But the journey was over before I knew it, never lasting more than a few seconds.

"Welcome, everyone! I presume that most of you are visiting the Beast Glades for the first time," Professor Fejalk greeted us with a warm smile.

"We are currently on the outskirts of the Grand Mountains, and if we walk for a few hours this way, we'll reach a popular gathering spot called the Dragonspine Inn. It used to be the hub of information for adventurers like us, where we could gather intel on various mana beasts and dungeons," he continued, gesturing towards the path ahead.

"As for our destination, this dungeon has already been explored and cleared by a renowned adventurer named Gary Whiteborn," Professor Fejalk said, winking at me mischievously. I couldn't help but roll my eyes in response as some of my fellow Paladins looked at me with surprise.

"This is Hell's Jaw dungeon, and the regular monsters you'll encounter here are Midnight Silverback Wolves. Additionally, there used to be a Hades Serpent lurking here, but Gary managed to slay it," he added.

"I initially aimed for an AA-rank dungeon, but Director Goodsky denied my request, so we'll have to settle for this one," Professor Fejalk grumbled before a burst of mana augmented his body.

"Get ready to move faster," he instructed. "We'll reach our destination in minutes, not hours."

Instantly, everyone clad themselves in mana, preparing for take-off.

"Go!" Professor Fejalk shouted before launching himself at hypersonic speeds.

I held back, watching as the others took off ahead of me. It seemed a bit childish to show off like that, so I focused on gathering mana near the base of my feet, giving them a head start.

I had been experimenting with a completely new spell that focused on rapid transportation over long distances. Unlike the usual movement done using mana, this spell required me to traverse the distance in a single burst, rather than multiple jumps.

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