Volume 3 Chapter 8 - Capture the Flag I

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Turning serious, the Professor began explaining "This is special equipment designed by artificers to measure the amount of damage that is dealt. This equipment will activate, releasing a shrill noise, if the damage it takes passes the threshold that's encrypted into it . If anyone chooses to ignore this warning and continues to fight or cast spells, it will lead to immediate expulsion from my class and other possible consequences regarding your stay here as a student. This rule goes for any upper division fighting class in this academy, so engrave it into your guys' brains. All of you are at the level where protecting yourselves with mana shouldn't be a problem. Let me reiterate this but, this equipment won't protect you so don't rely on it as a source of protection," She announced to everyone else in the class as well . Clearing her throat, Professor Glory shouted. "Do I make myself clear?!"


"Good! Now, the eight of you gear up." She got back on her bond while the rest of the students headed towards the viewing platform.

I turned around before walking towards my three teammates, Lancelot, Tessia and Lucas.

"First, I will be the leader for this group, no objections right?" I started.

The half-elf noble kid seemed to have some resistance as he opened his mouth to counter, only to shut it back up as I released a bit of my pressure.

His body trembled as he realised the wide gap between the two of us.

"Lucas Wykes, listen to what I say like a good dog and we will crush the four of them," I said as a sinister smile appeared on my face.

"So the basic plan is this, we will be taking all of them in 1v1s..." I started to explain them about my plan.


As we gathered for our meeting, Arthur took the lead, and I couldn't help but feel impressed by his natural leadership skills. He had a way of commanding attention and respect, as if he had honed these skills over decades of experience.

"Our team may not be as powerful as the other team," Arthur began, "but this is capture the flag, and we need to focus on strategy. We must be mindful of their strengths and weaknesses and capitalize on our own."

I listened intently as Arthur explained his plan in great detail, feeling hopeful and inspired by his words. We all nodded in agreement and felt ready to put the plan into action.

The Professor announced that we had ten minutes to prepare and put our flag somewhere noticeable, and then the match would begin. Arthur decided to leave his bond, Sylvie, in a safer place, as she wouldn't be able to assist us during the battle.

As Tess finished putting on her gear, I approached her and said, "Let's do our best out there."

She gave me a confident smile and replied, "You better watch out," before running off to join Gary, Lancelot, and Lucas on the other side of the field.

I turned to Arthur, Kathyln, and Rachel, who were all preparing in their own way. Kathyln was practicing her bow, and Rachel had summoned Undine by her side.

Undine greeted me with a warm smile and waved her hand in my direction. I felt a sense of comfort and reassurance knowing that we had powerful allies by our side.

As the match began, I felt a surge of adrenaline and excitement. We may have been the weaker team, but with Arthur's leadership, our strategic plan, and the support of our bonds and allies, we had a fighting chance.

With a sense of anticipation and excitement, I reached into my spatial ring and summoned two swords - Faithkeeper and Argentum Fang. I was about to showcase my unique swordsmanship style to the world for the first time ever.

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