Volume 7 Chapter 7 - Relictombs

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[NA/N: This chapter has been split into two parts, the second part will come out soon.]


"Silence!" I hissed, my voice slicing through the air with a commanding edge. Seris's mouth snapped shut, her pout quickly replaced by a grave expression as she understood the gravity of the situation. Within me, Regis rumbled, his presence resonating with heightened awareness. The gnawing ache in my stomach served as a constant reminder of the perilous trap I had unwittingly triggered. Seris and I moved with utmost stealth, our footsteps muffled by the cloak of my sound magic, as I focused my attention on channeling the power of the Destruction Godrune through Regis.

"Gauntlet Form," I communicated telepathically, and Regis responded by encasing my arm, imbuing it with the pulsating motes of vivum.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted one of the formidable beasts that had caused us so much trouble. It resembled a werewolf, an aetheric creature caught in a grotesque fusion of wolf and human features.

Despite its hunched posture, it towered over eight feet tall. Long, sinewy arms swung in a pendulum-like motion as it hungrily scanned its surroundings for prey.

Its matte grey skin pulsated with the rhythmic flow of aether, its nimble feet propelling it forward with deceptive swiftness. Despite its seemingly sluggish appearance, I knew better than to underestimate its power.

Far too powerful.

When Seris had volunteered to join us, replacing Caera despite the risks of Agrona discovering her involvement, I had anticipated her assistance would be beneficial. She had grown significantly stronger, that much was undeniable. However, in this fast-paced battle, her presence proved to be more of a hindrance.

It wasn't solely a matter of strength, but rather the abnormal speed at which the beast moved. Its reflexes bordered on the realm of the absolute, matched only by its blinding agility.

Its footwork mirrored that of Godstep, rendering it extremely challenging to land a decisive blow, even when employing both Godstep and the formidable Gauntlet Form granted by Regis.

With limited options at hand, I inched closer, my every movement meticulously calculated, akin to a predator closing in on its prey. Sensing the impending clash, my body dropped to the ground, limbs coiling like a tightly wound spring, muscles primed and pulsating with the harmonious convergence of mana and aether.

Once in position, I unleashed a flicker of aether, allowing it to expand and beckon the attention of the unsuspecting beast. It was drawn to the spot, its focus ensnared by the allure of the radiant aether, unaware of the imminent danger that lurked within.

I patiently awaited the opportune moment, poised like an expert archer, stringing the bow of fate, ready to release the arrow with precision timing.

"Now!" I bellowed through our telepathic connection, activating Godstep in a swift surge of power. Acceleration reached its apex as my form blurred into a mere streak, hurtling toward the aetheric werewolf.

Distracted and disoriented by the mesmerizing pull of the aether, the creature failed to perceive my lightning-fast advance. It whipped its head around, its snarl echoing through the air, but its reaction was too sluggish. In the fraction of a second, my clenched fist, enshrouded in the destructive energy of the Gauntlet Form, connected with its face, delivering a devastating blow that sent it hurtling away from its own body.

However, victory did not come without a price. The creature's razor-sharp claws managed to slice through my aetheric protective sheen, rending my flesh and leaving behind crimson trails of pain. Yet, thanks to my draconic self-regenerating body, the injury, though agonising, was inconsequential, little more than a fleeting discomfort amidst the heat of battle.

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