Volume 4 Chapter 17 - Aftermath

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[A/N: Double update today. As for Uto's sudden character change, it is because of Jezebeth and his wish to protect him and serve him as his king.]


The clash between Alea, Bairon, and myself against Uto had reached an impasse, with our forces locked in a fierce deadlock. Neither side seemed capable of gaining the upper hand.

In the midst of the intense struggle, Uto's voice pierced through the chaos. His words carried a hint of reason amidst the chaos.

"Lances," Uto suddenly proposed, his tone calm and measured, "Let us bring an end to this senseless confrontation. It is clear that neither party can claim a decisive victory. In the spirit of finding a resolution, we are willing to release all the hostages we have taken. In return, we request that you allow us to retreat peacefully."

The voice of reason originating from Uto, one I thought was just a psychotic killer shocked all three of us to our cores.

Alea, Bairon, and I exchanged glances, contemplating Uto's offer. The tension in the air was palpable as we weighed the consequences of our decision.

After a moment of silence, Alea stepped forward, her voice carrying a resolute tone. "Very well, Uto," she said. "We will accept your terms. Release the hostages, and you may withdraw from this battle unharmed."

With those words, Uto turned and took the boy with him before retreating with all the other mages, leaving us to survey the aftermath of the battle.


"Looks like our brilliant ones have found themselves in quite the predicament," I murmured, effortlessly teleporting to Xyrus City, my presence concealed from Windsom's detection as he wasn't in Dicathen currently.

Upon arriving at the ravaged battleground that was once Xyrus Academy, I wielded the power of aevum to freeze time itself.

Assessing the situation, I immediately noticed the grave injuries suffered by Gary and Lancelot. Though Alistair and Arthur were also hurt, their wounds could be tended to by other capable healers.

My gaze fell upon Arthur, a pang of empathy coursing through me. The weight of his suffering was evident, yet his fate was predetermined, beyond my ability to alter.

Lancelot's body and mana core were on the verge of collapse due to the strain of manipulating copious amounts of ambient mana while safeguarding his silver core. Sylph's spirit magic alone could not sustain him indefinitely.

Drawing forth an elixir, I guided it into Lancelot's chest, providing him with the restorative energy he desperately needed.

Turning my attention to Gary, who faced a slightly less dire situation, I reluctantly withdrew a precious elixir, capable of revitalizing both of his cores to their original state.

Once I had completed my healing efforts, I departed from the scene, releasing time from its frozen state.

"Keep growing, my exceptional ones," I whispered softly, my words carrying a hint of bittersweet truth. "This respite is the most generous allotment you shall receive."


The tragic events that unfolded at Xyrus Academy surpassed the depths of despair portrayed in the novel. To my shock, not only Draneeve and Lucas were involved, but Uto and Jezebeth as well. Uto's presence alone presented a formidable challenge, his power testing the limits of the Paladin's abilities. However, it was Jezebeth who truly posed a daunting threat.

Jezebeth's strength was unparalleled, surpassing any opponent I had faced before. What made it even more disconcerting was his youth, for he was no older than us. It was a grim realization that, given time, he had the potential to ascend the ranks of the Vritra, surpassing even the mightiest of Sovereigns.

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