Volume 6 Chapter 15 - Declaration of Victory

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[A/N: Since the other author is on vacation, the og is back to take over for two chapters. Enjoy!]


Every inch of my being screamed in agony as I strained to move my body, futilely attempting to resist the unbearable pain. The confrontation with Cecilia had taken a disastrous turn, her astuteness nullifying my deceitful tactics.

A resentful click of my tongue escaped my lips as I observed the approach of the black-haired woman, her aura exuding an overwhelming sense of power and authority. The very essence of mana in the air seemed to bend and bow in reverence to her, as though her presence commanded their unwavering loyalty.

Her cold, piercing gold eyes fixated upon me, revealing a deep-seated animosity that burned fiercely within her.

I averted my gaze and instead directed it towards Rachel, her motionless form lying in a pool of scarlet blood. Only the ethereal manifestation of her spirit, Undine, and the rise and fall of her chest with each breath provided any indication of life.

Suppressing any flicker of concern, I shifted my attention to calculating an escape route from this dire predicament.

Cecilia's grip tightened around my chin, forcing my gaze to meet her piercing golden eyes. Her words sliced through the air, laden with the weight of past grievances and unfulfilled desires.

"Grey," she spoke, her voice laced with venom, "For snuffing out my life in our previous existence and stealing away my shared future with Nico, I shall now exact retribution by extinguishing your very existence."

Killing her? Could she be referring to that fateful moment when she deliberately impaled herself on my blade, choosing death over a life ensnared by the government's manipulative control?

The cogs of my mind spun furiously, piecing together the puzzle of Cecilia and Nico's vehement animosity towards me. It became clear, like a fog lifting from a forgotten memory.

Agrona. Specifically, the insidious art of memory manipulation.

Cecilia, once someone who held affection for me, had her emotions twisted and perverted by Agrona's sinister influence. Love and gratitude were warped into seething hatred, a tragic transformation orchestrated by that treacherous serpent.

A surge of apprehension coursed through my veins as I felt Cecilia's absolute control over mana permeate my entire being, threatening to unravel my very existence.

Ever since I absorbed Sylvia's beast will and assimilated with it, my body had undergone a subtle transformation, imbued with a hint of draconic power. Although my physiology didn't rely on mana for sustenance like the Asuras, it remained intricately intertwined with every fiber of my being.

And now, Cecilia aimed to unravel those delicate threads, tearing my body asunder from its very essence, subjecting me to the most excruciating torment imaginable.

Her intent was crystal clear—to revel in my suffering and derive a twisted satisfaction from my demise.

My white mana core, the very essence of my being, would be ground down and obliterated, dispersed into nothingness. All to satiate her vengeful desires.

"Cease," a commanding voice resonated through the air, causing Cecilia to abruptly halt her actions. Her gaze snapped up, her eyes narrowing as she attempted to withstand the overwhelming pressure that emanated from Gary's aura.

The weight of his presence bore down upon me, as if an entire mountain had settled upon my shoulders, despite his focus not being directed at me.

A single drop of blood trickled from Cecilia's lip, evidence of the strain she endured. I watched intently as she bit down, desperately trying to hold her ground against the overwhelming killing intent radiating from Gary.

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