Volume 2 Chapter 9 - Director Goodsky

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After we had finished using our aetheric powers, we returned to our original positions and deactivated them, unfreezing time. We had used aevum to freeze time, so nobody had noticed what we had done, which was expected. 

We had a tacit understanding about not revealing our aether powers to the world until we were strong enough to handle the consequences. Despite being young, the two of us were already likely near the top of the world, but being careful didn't hurt.

Lancelot was looking at us weirdly, but I believed he hadn't caught on to what we did judging from his expression.

Gary asked, "Why did the two of you come here, Lancelot, Rachel?"

"Rachel came here to meet her friend, Lilia, but we also came for another reason. We are to meet our new mentor, Cynthia Goodsky, the Director of Xyrus Academy," Lancelot replied.

I was surprised, 'These two are going to be taught by Director Goodsky?'

Gary questioned, "Didn't you two have competent teachers already?"

Rachel frowned, and Lancelot explained, "Our new mentor is an expert in mana manipulation outside of one's body and conjuring. Plus, the two of us are a bit too advanced for our old mentors to continue teaching us."

I nodded in understanding, the two of them were too strong for most mages, and only someone of Goodsky's ability would be capable of teaching them.

"So, you two are entering Xyrus Academy a year earlier?" I asked.

Lancelot shook his head, and Rachel answered for him, "No, we are going to go through private training under Goodsky. There are two other mages training with us for a year until we enter Xyrus Academy at the normal age of twelve."

'That makes sense,' I thought, 'I didn't want to go early either because of the age difference that would make it cumbersome.'

The adults soon excused themselves and left the five of us alone. Lilia and Rachel also separated from us, leaving the three of us boys awkwardly together.

"So, do you guys want to talk about adventuring?" Gary spoke after clearing his throat.

Lancelot and I lit up as we discussed mana and adventuring.


After spending several hours at the Helstea mansion, Rachel and I departed for Xyrus Academy. While the beginning of my conversation with Gary and Arthur was tense, things began to flow smoothly under Gary's lead. It was a learning experience, especially since I gained insight into the Beast Glades from the stories they shared.

'I suspect that Arthur and Gary recognized each other from being on the same team during the Death Talon Dungeon dive,' I theorized.

"How was your time with Lilia? Was it worth it?" I asked Rachel, who was sitting across from me in the carriage. The orange rays of the sun reflected off her golden hair, making her look almost ethereal.

I quickly averted my gaze, feeling my cheeks grow warm. Thankfully, she responded before I could embarrass myself further. "It was quite fun. I hope you weren't bored talking with Arthur and Gary."

I shook my head, grateful for the change of subject.

As the carriage passed through the main gate of the Academy, I couldn't help but marvel at the sight before me. The sprawling campus was home to numerous white buildings adorned with intricate runes. It was an impressive sight, but not overwhelming to me.

However, Rachel appeared giddy with excitement, which was a stark contrast to her usual calm demeanor. 

As Rachel and I walked into the building of Xyrus Academy, a voice resounded in front of us, introducing itself as Cynthia Goodsky, the Director of the academy and our master for the next year. I looked around but there was no one in sight, indicating the use of sound magic.

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