Volume 5 Chapter 0 - Prologue

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[A/N: I released the prologue earlier than I thought, well, enjoy the chapter nonetheless!]


I glared down at Vritra, his arrogant demeanor and irritating smile fueling my frustration. King's Force surged within me, a manifestation of my undeniable superiority over the being standing before me. Yet, despite my overwhelming power, his confident facade remained unshaken.

"Enough with your games, Jezebeth," I seethed, my voice laced with anger and impatience. "Why would you jeopardize our chances of defeating Kezess by breaching the treaty with the Asuras? Have you no regard for our collective strength?"

Jezebeth's smirk widened, his purple eyes glinting with a dangerous glimmer. "Oh, Agrona, you worry too much," he taunted, waving his hand dismissively. "I simply added a little twist to the plot. It won't affect our ultimate goal."

His nonchalant response only fueled my frustration further. How could he be so reckless, so indifferent to the consequences of his actions? The fate of our entire campaign against Kezess hinged on maintaining alliances and strategic manoeuvring, and Jezebeth's brazen disregard for diplomacy threatened to undo everything we had worked for.

"Don't underestimate the repercussions of your actions," I retorted, my voice dripping with determination. "Using Alistair's presence as an excuse will not absolve you of the consequences."

Jezebeth emitted a derisive snort, his arrogance palpable in every contemptuous word. "Alistair is a mere half-ling, hardly a threat," he scoffed dismissively. "No, Agrona, I speak of another dragon, a full-blooded Asura who aided the Lessers. Although she was rather weak, her allegiance with them constitutes a breach of the treaty."

I sank deeper into my throne, absorbing the gravity of Jezebeth's revelation. A sense of unease crept over me as I realized the implications of my daughter's involvement in this treacherous affair.

"So, you were aware," Jezebeth remarked, his eyes fixed upon me. "Why then, did you attempt to wrongfully implicate me?"

I disregarded his accusatory tone, my mind preoccupied with the turmoil that enveloped my thoughts.

I shifted my focus to a more pressing matter. "Did you encounter anyone of interest?" I inquired, my voice laced with cautious curiosity.

Jezebeth's eyes gleamed with intensity, relishing the opportunity to share his findings. "Indeed," he responded, a hint of excitement in his voice. "I have come across two beings who possess the potential to disrupt our plans. Their presence cannot be taken lightly, but now that you have secured the other two Legacies, it shouldn't be much of a problem."

My gaze shifted toward the two individuals present in the chamber, their auras seemingly unremarkable to the untrained eye. However, I could sense the weight of their souls, a formidable presence despite their seemingly ordinary facades.

Jezebeth's assessment of their significance struck a chord within me. The fate of our grand design rested upon identifying and neutralising any threats that could undermine our carefully orchestrated plans. While their power may not rival Jezebeth's own, their latent potential and the uncertainty they brought to the table demanded my immediate attention.

I pondered the intricate puzzle before me, mapping out strategies to counter any unforeseen challenges that these individuals might present. The road ahead was treacherous, but my resolve remained unshaken. I would fortify our position, leveraging the newfound Legacies we had secured, and ensure that no force, however formidable, could derail our pursuit of ultimate triumph.

With determination in my eyes, I rose from my throne. It was time to devise a comprehensive strategy, one that accounted for every possible contingency and paved the way for our inevitable victory.

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