Volume 5 Chapter 3 - Spirit Dive

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The process of mastering Spirit Dive under the tutelage of Professor Fejalk proved unexpectedly efficient. The crucial elements for achieving mastery lay not only in the core stage progression but also in the growing potency of the spirits themselves.

While Rachel and I had forged our spiritual connections within a relatively short span of time, Professor Fejalk had cultivated a profound bond with Salamander over the course of several years. This extended period of symbiosis had allowed Salamander to amass a substantial reservoir of power, surpassing the capabilities of our own spirits.

Furthermore, with Professor Fejalk standing at the high silver stage, myself at the mid silver stage, and Rachel at the initial silver stage, a noticeable disparity in our individual power levels became apparent.

With utmost dedication, we embarked on the initial phase of our training, focused on accelerating the growth of our core stage and facilitating the accelerated maturation of our spirits. Months passed in a relentless pursuit of progress until finally, I stood poised to unleash the full potential of Spirit Dive.

"Initiate it now, Lancelot!" Professor Fejalk's voice resonated with anticipation as he and Rachel observed my every move, eager to witness the culmination of our efforts.

As I delved deep into the depths of my power, an ethereal green aura enveloped my arms, vibrant and pulsating with untamed energy. Intricate patterns of interconnected crosses materialized around my wrists, weaving a mystical tapestry of strength. With a sudden surge of power, a magnificent green wing emerged from my back, an emblem of my transcendence. Completing the transformation, a regal crown adorned with interconnected crosses materialized upon my head, symbolizing my mastery.

I had ascended to newfound heights, my strength now approaching the level Gary had achieved before our paths diverged. The once elusive Mana Sovereign form seemed within my reach, a testament to my relentless dedication and unwavering resolve.

My gaze shifted towards Bell, her radiant smile mirroring the transformation that had taken place within her. Our intense training had accelerated her growth, showcasing the remarkable progress she had made.

A sense of bittersweetness filled the air as Rachel's voice resonated with determination, tinged with a hint of longing. "I will soon catch up to you, Lancelot," she declared, her expression reflecting a mixture of determination and the realization of our diverging paths.

Meeting her gaze, I returned her resolve with a resolute nod. "I have no doubt, Rachel," I assured her, conveying my unwavering belief in her boundless potential.

Together, we stood on the precipice of our individual journeys, each destined for greatness in our own unique ways.


With Lancelot's remarkable progress in mastering Spirit Dive, it was now my turn to embark on the same journey. Completing Spirit Dive, a powerful technique that entailed merging one's magic with the essence of their spirit, held immense potential waiting to be unlocked.

Aware of the need to strengthen my core stage, I dedicated the next year to its development. Under the guidance of Professor Fejalk, I focused on deepening my bond with Undine, my loyal spirit companion. Together, we delved into the depths of our connection, forging an unbreakable link that would serve as the foundation for our synchronized magic.

While I devoted myself to this endeavor, Lancelot pursued his own path, seeking training and guidance from Aldir. The separation allowed us to grow individually, honing our skills in different realms of magical expertise.

The temporary separation from Lancelot was not without its moments of loneliness, for we had become not only comrades but also partners in life. However, the weight of our shared purpose compelled me to persevere. It was essential that both of us reached the pinnacle of our strength before the impending war, knowing full well that the threat of Alacarya loomed larger and more formidable than ever before.

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