A/N: Power Levels

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I just wanted to dedicate to summarising and organising the power levels to make it easier for you guys, the readers.

<G> rank - Black Stage

<F> rank -  Red Stage

<E> rank - Orange Stage

<D> rank - Yellow Stage

<C> rank - Silver Stage

<B> rank - White Stage

<A> rank - Scythe Level

<S> rank - Asuran Level

<SS> rank - High Asuran Level

<SSS> rank - Beyond TBATE

Now, for the power levels of our major characters:

Tessia Eralith - <C> rank

Kathyln Glayder - <C+> rank

Rachel Glidesburn - <B-> rank

Lancelot Orbel - <B-> rank; <A-> rank with Mana Sovereign

Alistair Eralith - <B-> rank normally; <B> rank when unsuppressed

Arthur Leywin - <B-> rank

Gary Whiteborn - <A-> rank

Alexis - <A+> rank

Jezebeth Vritra - <A+> rank

Windsom Indrath - <SS-> rank

Aldir - <SS> rank

Vicht - <SS+> rank

Note that the difference between ranks increases the higher you go.

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