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You guys really need to learn power scaling properly. I'll explain the power scaling like how I did it to make you guys understand.

<SS+> rank - TBATE limit. Kezess, Vicht and Saphira were all at this level. Firstly, the same rank does not mean equal or even close to equal. Because this ranking is not the full equalisation of all techniques and everything. It is simply the raw power of mana + aether of the being. This is why Gary was able to hold back both Jezebeth and Kevin despite all of them being at the same rank.

Now as to why this is the TBATE limit. Well, I decided it to be. <SSS-> and above is on a completely different plane of power from <SS+> rank, and the power scaling seems to somewhat suit it.

It's not perfect, but <SSS+> rank beings are almost planetary level. Now, planetary is way above continental, which is around <SS+> rank.

Thus, TBATE limit of <SS+> rank.

Keep in mind this is my universe so I bended the rankings a bit but I can't just bridge the massive gap between TAPOV and TBATE. It is fully intentional.

Ok now, for Yuno's scaling. I used VS battles and it states he is far above multi-continental at full power. Check it out if you wish to.

This means I am putting him at <SSS> rank at his peak with everything he had, which is once again above the TBATE verse. 

So, please do not bother me with power scaling once again by saying stuff like oh Sylvia has more talent than Gary when Ren literally surpassed <SSS+> rank by a huge margin and Sylvia's talent at absolute max would cap at <SSS-> rank.

Do not worry about power scaling and do not feel the need to correct me because I thought about it a lot. Just a bit angry that you guys think Gary is unjustly powerful when he literally was the most powerful being by far in his previous verse.

I know you guys love Arthur which is why I have made him so much stronger. He is stronger than he is in the novel right now, before even learning how to properly use aether.

That is it from me for now.

Oh yeah, Arthur would be around <C+> rank I am pretty sure in his previous life if people are wondering because I saw someone power scaling him to be around the level of a high silver stage mage. A bit high but whatever. I am giving him a huge advantage by boosting his talent to <A+> rank without Sylvia's will already, so stop making me buff him even more.

Again, this does not mean that Gary will forever be ahead because I will be boosting and buffing the others using a cannonical reason.

Just lay off the power scaling and Arthur. 

Also cannot be bothered to write a second chapter today so enjoy the one you guys got.

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