Volume 5 Chapter 1 - Alacaryan Camps

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With calculated composure, I strode through the dimly lit tunnels, my footsteps muffled by the pulsating sound barrier enveloping me. Raising my gaze, I fixed my icy eyes upon the formidable wooden gate that obstructed my path, confirming my suspicions of yet another Alacaryan camp.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't be tasked with the mundane duty of clearing out Alacaryan camps. As one of the esteemed Paladins, my training and responsibilities encompassed more significant challenges. However, with the Six Lances and other powerful mages stretched thin and unable to safeguard every corner, we were compelled to take on these essential missions ourselves, temporarily diverting our focus from rigorous training.

Summoning a gust of wind, I commanded it to rupture the gate, granting me entrance into the expansive cavern beyond. The scene unfurled before me, a chaotic tableau of Alacaryans engaged in the taming and enslavement of powerful beasts, their intentions veiled by the fog of war.

The air crackled with energy as portals hummed with activity, facilitating the movement of troops amidst the clamor of the encampment. Sensing the urgency of the situation, I prioritized neutralising this gateway nexus, severing their strategic advantage.

Extending my right palm, a slender tendril of lightning shot forth, instantly obliterating the portals in a dazzling display. The sudden collapse of the conduits drew the attention of the Alacaryans, their gazes fixated upon me.

"Have I finally garnered your undivided attention?" I quipped, devoid of amusement, my thumb instinctively caressing the hilt of my sword.

Harnessing the power of the Keiki Style, the third movement: Void Step, I tapped into my silver core, aglow with raw energy. Drawing upon the wellspring of lightning and sound mana within, the fabric of reality seemed to warp around me as I materialized amidst the startled enemy ranks.

Seizing the momentum of my movement, I unleashed a sweeping arc with my sword, snuffing out the lives of several dozen mages caught off guard. The Alacaryans responsible for subjugating the beasts were thrown into disarray, desperately attempting to rouse their captives, while the remaining forces charged headlong toward me.

As the soldiers closed in on me, their faces void of fear, I pondered the concept of mob mentality. It seemed their collective resolve fueled their audacity, prompting them to advance despite the imminent danger before them. With an unwavering gaze, I met their approach head-on.

Weapons and spells surged toward me, but their futile attempts were effortlessly repelled by the coiled armor of yellow lightning tendrils enveloping my body. The attacks glanced harmlessly off my impervious shield. Digging my foot into the ground, I channeled my power, unleashing thicker serpentine bolts of lightning that slithered their way toward the hapless beasts.

The creatures, still ensnared by the artifact's grasp, succumbed with a final wheeze, their resistance futile against my formidable spell. As the lightning consumed them, the soldiers closest to me suffered the same fate, their bodies convulsing with electricity. The surviving troops, wary of the unfamiliar power I wielded, instinctively retreated, their caution overpowering their aggression.

Lifting my left hand, I snapped my fingers, releasing a pulse of sound that reverberated through the air, striking the soldiers with deafening force. Their reliance on defensive shields proved futile as blood trickled down their necks, their agonized screams piercing the once tumultuous atmosphere.

Annoyed by their feeble resistance, I sneered inwardly. The time had come for decisive action. Channeling the essence of the Keiki Style, I executed the second movement: Horizon Splitting Slash (360).

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