Volume 2 Chapter 5 - The Death Talon Dungeon

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We advanced into the ominous Death Talon Dungeon, every adventurer in our group brandishing their weapons and even the smug conjurers wiping the arrogance from their expressions. It was our team's inaugural expedition into the dungeon, and the danger level was palpable.

Gary, our leader, cautioned us as we began our cautious journey. "We're entering the first floor, so stay alert. The scouts reported that we'll encounter C-class Dark Bats and B-class Bat Queens at the outset, so keep that in mind."

Suddenly, Gary halted and released a bolt of lightning that struck a bat, causing it to fall lifeless to the ground.

In an instant, we all became hyper-vigilant, drawing our weapons, preparing for battle. I unsheathed my trusty teal blade, Dawn's Ballad, as Evelyn, our S-class adventurer, cast a protective spell that encased us in a translucent blue dome.

I drew on my inner strength, channeling fire mana from my core to augment the power of my blade, turning the teal hue a lethal shade of blue. With a flick of my wrist, I sent a burst of flames towards the bats, causing them to shriek as they burned.

Luke seized the moment, swiftly cutting through the bats with his long white sword, taking advantage of the chaos.

Crackling sounds diverted my attention, and I witnessed Gary using his lightning magic to annihilate the creatures, not even requiring his sword.

'What a monster,' I thought to myself, marvelling at his mastery of his powers.

The conjurers in our group launched their spells in unison, obliterating the remaining bats with ease.

Gary's icy voice snapped me back to the present. "Let's continue," he said, his demeanour revealing nothing of his inner thoughts or emotions.

I covertly examined Luke, noting his impressive strength while ensuring he didn't catch me. The rest of our party moved in silence, aided by the hushed steps enabled by Evelyn and Gary's wind magic.

As we progressed, I observed that Evelyn possessed dual elemental abilities, making her an even more formidable adversary.

Suddenly, a powerful noise erupted from behind us. A blur of motion streaked towards Evelyn, a beast so fast that its body was a mere blur to me.

Although Evelyn's automatic defensive barrier sprang up, the beast sliced through it effortlessly, charging towards our powerful conjurer.

With a sharp click, Gary's sword cleaved the beast in half, saving Evelyn from certain doom.

"Thank you, Gary," Evelyn breathed heavily, still reeling from her close brush with death.

He merely grunted in response, his demeanor stoic and resolute. "Stay alert," he commanded. "We're facing Sonic Hawks now."

My ears pricked at the mention of the A-class beasts with AA-class Aural Eagles as their leaders. I activated Thunderclap Impulse, slowing down the world around me.

The Sonic Hawks hurtled towards us like tiny missiles, but this time, our party was prepared.

Evelyn conjured a triple shield blue-green dome around us, providing a protective barrier against the onslaught of the Sonic Hawks. Jasmine unsheathed her daggers, green wind mana swirling around her body as she deftly repelled the flying beasts.

"Note, support Jasmine," Gary commanded, just as I sliced a beast in half. With a sharp nod, I quickly sprang towards the rear, cutting down a beast that was about to attack Jasmine.

Oliad and Gerald launched their spells non-stop, struggling to keep up with the blistering speed of the Sonic Hawks. However, Gary and Evelyn masterfully directed the party, keeping us in perfect harmony as we defended against the attacks.

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