Volume 7 Chapter 5 - Day of Judgement

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[A/N: Last chapter before hiatus, enjoy!]


The long-awaited day had arrived—the day when the year-long truce would crumble, and the fate of Dicathen would hang in the balance. The atmosphere crackled with tension as we stood in the heart of the city we had built atop the sacred Djinn sanctuary, ready to make our last stand.

Dicathen's final stand.

The four Lances and the four Paladins stood alongside other formidable mages, but deep down, I knew that only Rachel, Kathyln, and I possessed the strength to confront the relentless might of the dragons.

The moment was upon us, unfolding abruptly before our eyes. Portals materialized, and a horde of dragons emerged, their magical power far surpassing even the most skilled Lances. It was clear to everyone present that we faced an insurmountable challenge.

There were at least a hundred dragons assembled here.

How could we possibly overcome them all? How could I safeguard the people of Dicathen?

Such questions plagued my mind, yet answers eluded me as Kezess Indrath, their king, made his entrance. He had shed his regal attire in favor of battle-ready garb, his demeanor exuding an air of casual indifference.

Fortunately, there were no Claxters among their ranks, sparing me from the agonizing prospect of fighting against my own kin.

"Today, judgment shall be rendered," Kezess proclaimed, his voice monotone. "The dragons shall purge Dicathen of all lesser beings. I extend an offer of survival to Alistair Claxter, heir to the Claxter clan, provided he joins our cause."

My brows furrowed deeply. There was no way I would ever align myself with them.

"To secure your place," Kezess continued, "You must slay Tessia Eralith and deliver her lifeless body to me."

Rage surged within me, igniting my mana with an intensity that turned my eyes bloodshot.

"I refuse," I declared, my voice dripping with defiance.

"Then perish alongside the rest," he responded nonchalantly.

With lightning speed, I lunged toward him, wielding both swords in a determined assault aimed at his chest. Yet, effortlessly, he raised his hand, intercepting both blades without breaking a sweat.

At that crucial moment, Rachel manifested in her awe-inspiring Spirit Dive form, conjuring powerful torrents of water to assail Kezess.

'Good!' I thought, my mind sharp as it calculated our next moves. 'We can overcome this!'

Suddenly, an overwhelming aura enveloped us, its suffocating presence stealing the very breath from my lungs. I struggled for oxygen, the sensation akin to drowning in a sea of blood.

His King's Force exerted a formidable presence, but I refused to be overpowered. My own King's Force surged with unmatched strength, nullifying his feeble attempts.

"Seraphon, Vespera," Kezess called out, summoning two dragons to his side. One bore an impenetrable emerald hide, while the other shimmered with a scarlet sheen. They lunged at Rachel and me, launching a relentless assault.

Meanwhile, he raised his hands to the heavens. The other dragons, still in their fearsome draconic forms, opened their mighty jaws, gathering an immense reserve of mana.

Dragon Breath.

Though engaged in combat with Vespera, I couldn't help but be awestruck by the sheer magnitude of mana being amassed. Even with my mastery of aether, its vast coverage would prove futile against such overwhelming power.

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