Volume 6 Chapter 12 - Intimate Moments

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[NA/N: A shorter chapter before the next arc. Hope you guys enjoy it! P.S. This volume will be my last as the original author will be overtaking from Volume 7.]


A profound sense of purposelessness plagued my being, consuming my thoughts and leaving me adrift in a sea of self-doubt. With knowledge of the world and its future bestowed upon me, I questioned the significance of my existence. Claire, Cynthia, and now Lancelot—all lost, their lives snuffed out tragically.

In the depths of my despair, a relentless inner voice blamed me for their deaths, labeling me as the catalyst for their fates. "It's your fault, Rachel Glidesburn," it hissed, stoking the flames of guilt that ravaged my soul. I believed I was undeserving of the Paladin title and the love bestowed upon me by those dear to my heart.

Yet, I knew that wallowing in despair served no purpose. Though my presence may have cast a shadow over TBATE, I resolved to make the most of my life and strive for a better existence. For Lancelot, I would persevere. I would summon every ounce of strength within me to exact vengeance upon the Legacy who stole his life.

"I swear, Lancelot," I whispered, my voice filled with determination, "I will avenge you. Even if I die, I will kill the Legacy who slew you."


"What did you say?" I exclaimed, my hands crashing against the table in shock. I stared at Gary, my eyes wide with disbelief.

"Why would you even consider such a drastic action?" I asked, my voice tinged with incredulity. "Have you not considered the consequences?"

Gary interrupted me, his voice cutting through the air with an unyielding determination. "Do you think I care about repercussions, Virion?" His amethyst eyes pierced into mine, holding a resolute gaze.

"But you can't proceed with this," I pleaded, my voice filled with urgency. "You simply can't."

"It's already in motion," he stated, rising from his seat and fixating his gaze upon the world outside the window. "I have already set it into motion."

A surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins, propelling me to my feet as I propelled myself toward him, gripping his collar tightly.

"You!" I growled, my voice laden with frustration. "I understand you're hurting, Gary, but you are the Commander of Dicathen. You must think this through!"

In that moment, his amethyst eyes locked onto mine, causing my grip to falter as I gasped in surprise.

He had changed. His demeanor had shifted completely from what I had witnessed at the funeral. The warmth in his eyes had vanished, replaced by an unsettling coldness that sent shivers down my spine.

With a subtle twitch of his finger, aether responded, conjuring a magnificent chessboard adorned with crystal pieces. He motioned for me to join him at the board, his gaze fixed and determined.

"Will you indulge me in a game?" he asked, his voice steady yet laced with an underlying intensity.

I grunted in response, taking my seat opposite him, the battle of wits commencing between us. The chess pieces danced across the board, each move calculated and purposeful, as my opponent's strategy swiftly gained the upper hand, pressuring me from all angles.

"Virion," Gary spoke, his tone measured, "In the pursuit of victory, sacrifices must be made, no matter how weighty they may be upon one's heart."

He shattered my defenses with a calculated sacrifice of his rook, leaving me momentarily stunned.

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