Volume 7 Chapter 6 - Conniving Indrath

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[NA/N: Yo boys, I am here to overtake for this volume since the other author decided to quit writing for 2 months. I will be going for slow updates, around once or twice a week. This volume has not been the best so far, so I am here to mend that as much as I can. Already planned a banger conclusion to this volume as well. This volume won't be as long as others, likely as long as Volume 5 or a bit longer.]


"You've grown immensely, Lancelot," Kathyln remarked, her brown eyes fixed upon me. The crackling bonfire provided the sole interruption in the enveloping silence. I studied my left hand, absently clenching and unclenching it, feeling the tautness of my muscles responding to my command.

Contemplating her question, I weighed my words carefully. Deciding to keep the truth of my reincarnation a secret, I summoned my treasured grimoire of star magic—a testament to my newfound power.

The royal blue grimoire exuded an air of mystique, embellished with a spade emblem shimmering with golden accents across its cover.

"This is a book I stumbled upon during my training under Mordain," I explained, holding the grimoire aloft for all to see. "Within its pages lie the secrets of harnessing aether and mana in a harmonious fusion, a unique form of magic known as mana-aether art."

The revelation sparked astonishment among my companions. In an instant, the chairs scraped against the ground as Alistair, Rachel, Tessia, and Kathyln sprang to their feet, their curiosity piqued. They crowded around, their faces alight with eager interest, their gazes fixated on the grimoire.

Their collective anticipation filled the air, and I knew that my journey had captivated their imaginations. With this newfound power and the knowledge contained within the grimoire, I felt a sense of responsibility to protect and guide them on the path ahead.

Little did they know that the true source of my growth lay deeper, hidden within the enigmatic threads of my past. But for now, the secret remained safe within me, while my focus remained on the bond we shared and the formidable challenges we would face together.

Alistair's blue eyes underwent a striking transformation, shifting into a scarlet hue. Within their depths, a disk of swirling black spun, mesmerised by the profound mysteries held within the grimoire's pages. His gaze scrutinised the book with unwavering intensity, as if seeking to unravel its secrets with a mere glance.

"Could you demonstrate a spell for us?" Curiosity danced across Kathyln's usually composed countenance, enlivening her features with a flicker of childlike wonder. The other Paladins nodded eagerly in agreement, their eyes reflecting a collective desire to witness the extent of my newfound powers.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, a playful glimmer shimmering in my eyes as I stood from my seat. Emboldened by the combined forces of mana and aether coursing through my veins, the Godrune etched upon my back ignited, imbuing the air with a pulsating energy.

With the grimoire held open in my hands, its pages seemingly alive with arcane knowledge, I beckoned the motes of aether to heed my call. These ethereal particles, unable to traverse the limitations of my mortal form, eagerly responded to the grimoire's guidance, their luminous presence growing in intensity.

I decided to showcase a spell that had proven invaluable in my battles against Kezess—an enchantment designed to augment mobility and enable swift teleportation. It was this very spell that allowed me to keep pace with his heightened foresight and bewildering speed.

In a symphony of incantations and the harmonious blending of mana and aether, I conjured forth a manifestation of stellar brilliance—the very essence of my star magic.

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