Volume 6 Chapter 2 - Meeting

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All Paladins settled into their designated seats, their progress thus far pleasing to observe. With the exception of Tessia, who required further development, each member had reached a level of competence that enabled them to engage and triumph over Scythes of varying strengths—a promising indication of their abilities.

I proceeded to provide a comprehensive overview of the current situation, including updates on the main conflict and the strategic maneuvers we had undertaken.

"At present, the focal point of the battle lies at the Wall—an imposing fortress spanning the expanse of the Grand Mountains. Under the vigilant guard of Lances Varay and Aya, not a single mutant or Alacryan soldier has managed to breach the confines of the Beast Glades," I stated, while Virion audibly released a deep breath, his tension palpable.

"However, we must remain vigilant, for it is evident that the enemy is employing delay tactics," I continued, my voice firm. "Their motives could encompass further clandestine infiltrations or awaiting the arrival of their armada to descend upon our continent."

Turning my attention to Arthur, I offered a reminder, "Arthur, although you bear some responsibility for our current predicament, do not burden yourself solely with blame." I motioned for Virion to distribute the prepared images.

"These images," Aldir interjected, addressing Arthur, "reveal the origin of the steam engine—an invention that the artificer Gideon took pride in. They disclose that the Alacryans acquired the technology from your own designs."

Virion's tone turned somber as he added, "It becomes apparent that the ship built by the Alacryans was a manifestation of your designs, Arthur."

"Nonetheless," I continued, my tone firm, "we cannot overlook the significant impact of the steam engine as an ingenious invention. Gideon skillfully harnessed its potential, employing it to create various innovations such as trains and even applying it to bolster our war efforts with cannons. It is this technological prowess that has fortified the Wall, enabling it to repel Alacaryan assaults with relative ease thus far."

A somber atmosphere settled over the room as the gravity of Arthur's invention and its unintended consequences sank in.

"Now, let us turn to our second agenda," I proceeded, shifting the focus of the discussion. "Each Paladin will be entrusted with a division to lead—an assignment that encompasses both overpowering formidable adversaries and overseeing the command of mages."

A collective nod of understanding swept through the room as I elaborated on the implementation and responsibilities associated with this new undertaking.

Concluding the main topics, it was time to address the final agenda.

"We are required to attend a meeting with the Alacaryans," I announced, my tone resolute. "As the Commander of Dicathen, it is imperative that I remain here. Therefore, Lancelot and Alistair will accompany Elder Virion and Aldir to represent our interests in this crucial gathering."


We found ourselves standing in a small clearing atop a rise overlooking the coastal town of Slore. The occasional damp breeze carried the briny scent of the sea, adding an uncomfortable stickiness to the already chilling air.

"The meticulous planning on Vritra's side is disconcerting," I voiced, my tone heavy with weariness. "From breeding asura half-bloods to manipulating our continent's mana beasts to create mutants, and now these ships—it's clear that Agrona has been orchestrating this war with calculated precision. And yet, I can't help but feel that for him, it's more of a twisted game than a genuine ideological pursuit."

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