Volume 3 Chapter 19 - The Feeling of Love

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The days following the tournament passed in a blur, and I found myself in the monotony of everyday life. The only event to look forward to was the upcoming field trip to a dungeon for our Team Fighting Mechanics I class. As an ex-S class adventurer, I knew not to expect anything too exciting from a beginner-level dungeon.

Walking through the school corridors, I ignored the awestruck gazes from my fellow students. While I enjoyed the recognition that came with my status, the constant attention was starting to wear on my nerves.

"Kathyln," I greeted a familiar face with a warm smile. She was dressed in plain DC clothes without any decorative embroidery, but her natural beauty was all she needed to stand out.

Her face was like a porcelain doll, with delicate features carefully carved by a master craftsman. Her button nose, rosy lips, and blushing cheeks only enhanced her charm. I couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in my heart whenever I saw her.

"Would you like to walk together, Gary?" she asked, stepping closer to me. I welcomed the closeness and we began strolling side by side.

Our conversation ranged from our classes to Arthur's poor singing, with her laughing at my many pranks on him. "Be careful, Gary," she warned, "Arthur might get his revenge someday."

I chuckled at the thought, "I'd welcome it."

As the sun began to set, the sky was painted with a beautiful array of oranges, pinks, and purples. The stars soon began to twinkle in the inky darkness above us, illuminating the world below with a mystical glow. We both gazed up at the starry sky, in awe of their brilliance and the vastness of the universe.

As we gazed up at the stars, she suddenly stopped walking and turned to face me. Her eyes were filled with uncertainty, and she seemed to be gathering the courage to say something.

"Gary," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "there's something I need to tell you."

I stopped in my tracks and gave her my full attention, my heart rate quickening with anticipation.

"Whenever I'm around you," she continued, "my heart starts racing, and I feel like I'm on fire. I don't know what it is, but I think...I think I might be in love with you."

And with those words, the air grew heavy, as if the world itself had paused to listen to the confession. It was the most profound emotion a human could experience, yet also the one that could break them into a million pieces - love.

The memory of Amanda's death still haunted me, a constant reminder of how fleeting life can be, and how love can be a double-edged sword. It can bring immense joy and happiness, but it can also cause unbearable pain and suffering.

But as I looked at the girl in front of me, her eyes filled with hope and vulnerability, I realized that love was not something to be feared. It was a risk worth taking, a leap of faith that could lead to something beautiful and fulfilling.

For the first time in a long while, a spark of hope ignited within me. Maybe, just maybe, I could find love again. But the thought was daunting. The mere idea of opening my heart to someone new brought back painful memories of Amanda's death. Yet, here I was, feeling a strange attraction towards Kathyln. Was it simply because she reminded me of Amanda, or was it something more? Was it because I genuinely liked her for who she was, for the way she smiled and laughed, for the way she made me feel alive again?

As I walked alongside her, lost in my thoughts, I realized that I needed to confront my demons and face my fears if I ever wanted to move on. I needed to be willing to take a chance on love again, despite the risks and uncertainties. And who knows, maybe Kathyln was the one who could help me do that.

My mind couldn't help but delve into the deeper questions surrounding emotions and their role in human evolution. While I knew that emotions were simply chemical reactions in the brain, the significance and purpose behind them remained a mystery.

Perhaps emotions had developed as a survival mechanism, allowing humans to bond on a deeper level and form tight-knit communities. However, I couldn't help but wonder if emotions were more harmful than helpful in today's world. After all, emotions often clouded rational thinking and led to poor decision-making.

Despite my reservations about the usefulness of emotions, I couldn't help but wonder if a world devoid of them would be better or worse. Would humans evolve to become unfeeling robots, relying solely on logic and reason to guide their actions? Or would something essential be lost in the process?

As I continued to contemplate the significance of emotions, a realization dawned on me.

Humans are not just beings who think logically and act with purpose. They are also creatures who feel deeply, who experience a wide range of emotions from joy to sorrow, from love to hate.

Emotions are what make us human. They are what give color and depth to our experiences, what motivate us to strive for more, what connect us with others on a deeper level.

Without emotions, life would be dull and meaningless. It is only through the highs and lows of feeling that we can truly appreciate the richness of existence.

As I thought about this, I began to appreciate the role that emotions played in my own life. Yes, they could be overwhelming and challenging, but they were also what made life worth living.

'But at the same time,' I thought darkly, 'These very emotions is the reason I died at Jezebeth's hand.'

I shook my head, trying to dispel the thoughts that crept up on me. Emotions were a weakness, a liability that could only bring trouble. They were nothing but a trap, luring one into a false sense of security and ultimately leading to their downfall.

And yet, as I gazed into Kathyln's eyes, I felt a strange tug at my heartstrings. It was a feeling that I couldn't ignore, no matter how much I tried to suppress it with my rational mind.

But why was I feeling this way? Was it because she reminded me of someone I once loved? Or was it something else entirely?

I couldn't afford to be distracted by these emotions. My mission was clear, and I had to focus on that above all else. I couldn't let my guard down, not even for a moment.

I took a deep breath and reminded myself of my ultimate goal. To return to my old universe and defeat Jezebeth, no matter what the cost. Emotions were a luxury that I couldn't afford, and I had to stay true to my logical and calculated approach.

I hesitated for a moment, weighing the risks and rewards of indulging in this feeling. But as I looked into Kathyln's eyes, I couldn't resist the overwhelming desire to take a chance on love.

"Kathyln," I said, my voice barely above a whisper, "I feel the same way."

I knelt down and leaned in, feeling her soft lips meet mine. It was a fleeting moment of pure bliss, but I knew I had to keep my focus on my ultimate goal. As I pulled away, I made a silent vow to myself to not let this newfound emotion distract me from my mission.

But as I stood up, my heart filled with a warmth that I had never experienced before. Maybe, just maybe, emotions weren't as much of a hindrance as I had thought. Maybe they could serve as a source of strength and motivation on my journey.

For the first time in a long time, I felt a glimmer of hope, and I couldn't help but wonder if this newfound emotion would be the key to unlocking my full potential.

Little did I know that this glimmer of hope would soon turn into a flame of destruction, as my emotions would lead me down a path that I never thought possible.

[A/N: Remember to vote if you guys like this chapter! It helps me in gauging the quality of my writing! This was a shorter chapter than normal as I wanted one chapter before the Widow's Crypt Arc. There will be no uploads for the next three weeks as I have exams coming up, wish me luck!]

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