Volume 7 Chapter 8 - An Unrivalled Artifact

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I shifted my gaze towards Seris, her dark eyes intently studying my features. Her delicate form gently swayed as she sat, her left hand still clasping a half-empty bottle, its contents glistening with a brilliant radiance. The flush of crimson adorning her cheeks heightened the allure of her pale complexion, lending an air of captivating intrigue to her visage.

It was within the depths of her cool, dark eyes that I discovered an unexpected revelation. Emotions, once veiled and guarded, now shimmered beneath the surface, casting subtle ripples upon the calm facade. Seris, the stoic and composed Scythe, harboured a wellspring of emotions that defied my initial assumptions.

Seris's voice, uncharacteristically laced with a touch of vulnerability, shattered the tranquil silence that enveloped us. Her words, unexpectedly spoken, hung in the air like an ethereal melody that stirred the depths of my being.

"You really are great, Arthur," she confessed, a small smile gracing her features. The soft glow of the artifact painted her pale complexion with warm hues, accentuating the delicate contours of her face.

Caught off guard by her unexpected compliment, I couldn't help but be genuinely intrigued. Curiosity danced within my gaze as I sought to understand the meaning behind her words. With each sip of the Alacaryan alcohol, its intoxicating effects gradually seeped into my mind, lending an ethereal haze to the moment. Yet, in that state of gentle intoxication, I found myself embracing the raw authenticity of the emotions unfolding before me.

"What do you mean by that, Seris?" I inquired, my voice tinged with genuine interest. The words floated on the air, carrying the weight of my curiosity and the unspoken desire to delve deeper into her thoughts and emotions.

Seris hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting briefly away before finding the courage to meet my gaze once more. Her smile held a touch of melancholy, the embodiment of a bittersweet revelation.

"Vicht was wrong about you," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "You are more than just a mere player in this world. There is a resonance within your every movement—a power, a purpose that extends beyond what anyone could have anticipated. I can sense it. You are destined to play a pivotal role in the battles that lie ahead."

Silence draped over our small sanctuary, the weight of her words settling upon us. Seris struggled to articulate her thoughts, the turmoil within her heart laid bare. Her head lowered, a blush of crimson staining her cheeks—a testament to the emotions that stirred within.

"This is why I should not allow these emotions to exist," she murmured, her voice tinged with a hint of sorrow. With a wistful smile, she lifted her gaze once more, her eyes revealing the depth of her conflicted feelings. "You are far too important, Arthur. My emotions, these attachments... they are a distraction. I cannot afford to be entangled in such matters when your role in this world is so crucial."

In an instant, the intoxicating effects of the alcohol seemed to dissipate, replaced by a newfound clarity that cut through the haze. Seris's confession struck me like a bolt of lightning, electrifying my senses and jolting me into sobriety. It was a revelation that shook the very foundation of my understanding.

Seris harbored more than friendship or camaraderie towards me. Her words bore the weight of something deeper, something that defied the boundaries of platonic connections. She held feelings for me—feelings that surpassed the realm of mere companionship and ventured into uncharted territories of affection.

In the stillness of the chamber, time seemed to stand suspended, as if the very fabric of the universe held its breath in anticipation. The revelation of Seris's unspoken feelings hung in the air like a delicate wisp of ethereal mist, weaving an intricate tapestry of emotions that enveloped us both.

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