Volume 4 - Epilogue

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[A/N: I decided to start serialising this fanfiction on Webnovel since it offers a larger market compared to Wattpad. However, I will continue to upload the chapters here for readers' convenience.]


As I arrived home, a searing headache descended upon me, its intensity threatening to split my skull. My maids swiftly guided me to my room, where I was gently laid to rest.

Within the confines of my chamber, the true source of my torment revealed itself—a flood of memories surged through my consciousness. Memories that belonged to a different world, a reality far removed from the realm of Dicathen.

Vivid images unfolded within my mind, depicting a world teeming with humans of unparalleled power. I witnessed my own existence as Amanda Stern, a revered hero whose name echoed with the weight of <SS-> rank prowess. I had stood at the zenith of my abilities, a symbol of hope and defiance against the encroaching forces of darkness.

But what shook me to the very core of my being was the presence of Ren Dover, my beloved in that past life. Ren, the paragon of humanity, radiated a power that effortlessly vanquished the most formidable demons, surpassing even Jezebeth himself. He was the harbinger of humanity's true potential, the one who shattered the shackles imposed by the Protectors and the Akashic Records.

As my fragmented memories coalesced, the echoes of Ren reverberated within my mind, intertwining with the essence of Gary. It was in the intricacies of their swordsmanship that the final puzzle piece fell into place.

The Keiki Style, the Levisha Style, the Gravar Style, and lastly, the Dover Style—each a testament to their skill and artistry. The very swordsmanship techniques employed by Ren in my previous life now flowed through Gary in this existence.

Overwhelmed by this revelation, tears streamed down my cheeks, mingling with the tangled emotions that welled up within me. "You were here all along, Ren," I whispered, my voice laden with both awe and sorrow.

The convergence of past and present, the inexplicable connection between two souls spanning lifetimes—it was a revelation that transcended the boundaries of comprehension. And as I grappled with the weight of this truth, a profound sense of gratitude and longing surged within me.

Jezebeth had somehow found his way into this life, and his feud with Ren still burned as fiercely as ever. I didn't know all the details of their past, but it was clear that their animosity went far beyond the typical enmity between demon and human.

But I refused to let history repeat itself. I couldn't bear the thought of losing Ren again, not when he had finally found a new life as Gary. We were going to find a way to be happy together, no matter what obstacles lay in our path.

Of course, that was easier said than done. The world was a cruel and unforgiving place, and the forces that opposed us were stronger than we could have imagined. But I refused to give up. I would fight to protect the ones I loved, and I would never let Ren fall again.

We would find our happiness, no matter what the future held.


"It is time to set our plans in motion," I declared, turning to the Seven Shades who knelt before me: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Epsilon, Eta, Zeta, and Gamma. They were the elite members of the underworld organization I had established, destined to become the Shadow King and take control of Dicathen.

Some may mistake my intentions for pure ambition, but they would be mistaken. After all, leading a vast number of people was not a role I sought willingly, especially after the tragedies of my previous life. But with Jezebeth's presence in this world, time was of the essence. I needed to ensure that Dicathen stood strong against Alacarya and that I became powerful enough to defeat him on my own terms.

I refused to rely on others, not even the Paladins. This was a journey I would undertake alone, for only then could I guarantee that Jezebeth's life would be brought to an end.

Our first plan to bolster Dicathen's strength involved introducing carefully calibrated technology that would enhance our continent without being too advanced. This included innovations such as trains and cannons, which would greatly benefit our military and transportation systems.

The second plan required meticulous effort to root out any traitors within the dwarven community. Espionage would play a crucial role in this endeavor, and that's precisely why I had assembled my underworld organization. Their skills and resources would be invaluable in identifying and eliminating those who sought to betray us.

As I laid out the strategies, I could feel the weight of responsibility upon my shoulders. It was a heavy burden, but it was necessary to ensure the safety and prosperity of Dicathen. I would do whatever it took to secure our future, even if it meant delving into the shadows and embracing the darkness within me.


The impending war loomed over us like a dark cloud, casting a somber shadow upon our hearts. While its arrival was still a few years away, we knew that when it finally descended upon us, it would be the greatest test we had ever faced.

War, with its merciless grasp, brings unimaginable suffering and loss. It claims the lives of tens of thousands, indiscriminately striking down even the most powerful mages. The gravity of this truth weighed heavily on my mind, as I contemplated the imminent struggles we would face.

But as daunting as it was, I had prepared for this moment. The preceding arcs in our story had merely been a prelude, mere child's play compared to the gravity of the impending conflict. This was the stage I had long anticipated, where destinies would be forged and fates sealed.

A voice jolted me out of my reverie, belonging to none other than Professor Fejalk. His words cut through the air, commanding our attention.

"So, the two of you seek to master Spirit Dive under my tutelage?" he inquired, his gaze piercing and unwavering.

Lancelot and I exchanged glances, our determination shining brightly. With synchronized nods, we affirmed our unwavering commitment to learn from the renowned professor.

In response, Professor Fejalk's expression hardened, his words laced with a stern resolve. "I will not hold back. Prepare yourselves, prodigies."

Despite his serious tone, a fleeting smile graced his lips, hinting at the underlying belief he held in our potential.

The mastery of Spirit Dive was merely the first milestone on our arduous journey. I knew that reaching the white stage, delving into the depths of aether, and ultimately breaking through to the integration stage were the paramount steps that lay ahead. Little did I realize that these challenges would push us beyond the limits of what I thought possible, testing my resolve and reshaping my very being.

[A/N: Remember to vote if you guys like this chapter! It helps me in gauging the quality of my writing!]

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