Volume 8 Chapter 4 - Monarch

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I narrowly evaded Agrona's thunderous fist, swiftly countering by driving my knee into his arm.

'His body is unnaturally sturdy,' I thought, deciding to create some distance between us.

A relentless barrage of attacks, originating from various mediums, sought to overwhelm me.

[Ultra Instinct]

Activating that state once again, I effortlessly reacted, neutralizing all incoming assaults. However, Agrona's strength was staggering.

At <SSS+> rank, he was toying with me. Yet, the intensity of his attacks was escalating, and my demise loomed without a viable response.

How does one prevail against an adversary of superior rank?

Technique. Rank merely reflected the quantity of mana and aether at one's disposal, not how efficiently it was utilized. It measured raw strength.

Despite the considerable gap between Agrona and me, my techniques surpassed his.

'This might just work,' I pondered as I unfurled [Sword Domain].

But not just the conventional [Sword Domain].

[Recoilless Sword Domain], channeling all energy into singular points and delivering them through the spatial tapestry with such precision and power that it approached instantaneous execution.

Its potency was further elevated by the acceleration granted by [Ultra Instinct].

These were two realizations I gleaned from my quest to surpass the pinnacle of my past life and ascend to godhood.

The primary challenge in this clash was Agrona's gravity magic, especially when interwoven with aether motes, which could distort space and even deflect my recoilless attacks. It was a spell I hadn't anticipated, adding an intriguing layer to our battle.

[Fourth movement of the Keiki Style: Recoilless World Splitter]

The ultimate goal of swordsmanship is to cleanly sever through everything, even abstract concepts like space or gravity. The gravitational waves, entwined with mana particles around Agrona, collided with my sword.

I didn't overpower them.

I sliced through them flawlessly.

The tumultuous waves of gravity yielded to the precision of my swordsmanship.

A swing of my blade severed one of Agrona's antlers, his face a canvas of astonishment.

"Don't underestimate the reach of my sword," I declared. My aether core spun with its utmost capacity.

A dangerous smile crept across Agrona's face as he applauded.

Instinctively, I moved, dodging imperceptible attacks that manipulated the fabric of space. However, he wasn't assaulting from beyond our dimensions, allowing me to evade.

[First movement of the Keiki Style: Recoilless Quick Slash]

My sword cleaved through space, carving a one-dimensional path and opening a hole in Agrona's shoulder.

Despite the apparent turn of the battle, he displayed no concern.

It was disconcerting, to say the least.

'What is he scheming?' I pondered.

"You possess formidable strength, Gary Whiteborn," he remarked stoically, "Yet, there exists a fundamental distinction between us."

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