Volume 8 Chapter 3 - Ultra Instinct

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I reached for my left side, but my hand encountered only empty air.

My world shattered as I realized my right arm had been severed from my body.

An assault executed with such speed that my visceral instincts couldn't catch up. Lancelot's arrow had exceeded the bounds of imagination.

'This is utterly absurd!' I thought. At my current level, I could sense every move Lancelot made, even if he was kilometers away from me. Yet, despite anticipating the arrow's release, my body failed to react swiftly enough to evade it.

The projectile closed the distance and struck me before the smallest movement could be made.

Despite Lancelot's power, the spell had its limitations. He couldn't unleash it recklessly and frequently. There were constraints due to his limited mana and aether pool.

"I must concede," I admitted, observing him approach clad in his green spirit magic, "that attack surpassed me."

The spell wasn't flawless. Lancelot had missed his mark, even from a few kilometers away, due to the intricate nature of the spell.

I would have met my demise if not for that miscalculation.

The next time he unleashed that spell, without perfection, I would not survive. Unless I eliminated him first or devised a strategy to elude the impending attack.

"Are you simply going to engage in conversation?" Lancelot queried, pointing his sword towards me. In an instant, he seized control of all the wind mana in the vicinity, unleashing an attack.

A colossal wall of soulfire materialized before me, intercepting the assault as I deliberated on a strategy to overcome him.

Planting my foot firmly into the ground, I propelled myself forward at top speed, launching a powerful fist towards him.

Lancelot's form vanished suddenly, relocating to another of his star-like objects. An energy beam surged towards me from behind, but swift evasive maneuvers allowed me to dodge and obliterate those stellar entities.

Within that narrow window, Lancelot's sword aimed for my heart. I subtly shifted my body, allowing his blade to pierce my lungs, avoiding instant death.

My right fist struck into his abdomen, sending him soaring away.

Gradually, my arm regenerated during the course of the battle, alleviating concerns about balance.

Since losing my invincibility upon rebirth in this world, I dedicated considerable energy to honing my martial arts skills. Rather than rendering martial arts obsolete, magic enhanced their significance.

Technique always triumphed over raw strength. Strength, after all, was only valuable when wielded skillfully. Magic further heightened this dynamic, offering diverse applications that could mean the difference between success and failure.

Consider the contrast between a fireball and a fire lance, for instance. Both spells consumed the same amount of mana, with the non-creation type fire lance requiring slightly more concentration. Yet, their effects were markedly distinct.

A fireball caused widespread damage, while a fire lance was tailored for eliminating individuals. These vastly different spells were suited to specific tasks.

As mage power surged, spell complexity reached unprecedented heights. Lancelot's spell, which severed my arm, exemplified this complexity—utilizing mana and aether, blending star magic, wind magic, spatium, and creation vivum to synergistically amplify each element's strength, creating a formidable and monstrous spell.

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