Volume 6 - Epilogue

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[A/N: Going on a break for about a week now before Volume 7 begins. The next two volumes will ramp up the power-ups and the craziness to another level from this one. Rachel's secret will also be revealed soon. Enjoy the conclusion of this volume!]


"Gramps, hiding is not the answer," I exclaimed, my frustration evident as I glanced at Grandpa Virion. The weight of command had taken its toll on him, evident from the dark bags under his weary eyes.

"Al, you have the option to return to Epheotus," he suggested, his voice tinged with exhaustion. "As an Asura, they will accept you. However, for us, we must seek refuge in the Djinn hideouts and prepare ourselves for the impending arrival of the Indraths."

My teeth ground together in a surge of anger. Tessia watched me anxiously, fear flickering in her eyes as she worried I might leave her behind and seek solace in Epheotus.

"I couldn't care less about Epheotus," I snapped, "I will stand by your side in the shelter, training relentlessly until I am strong enough to plunge my sword through the hearts of Kezess Indrath and Agrona Vritra."

Grandpa Virion seemed about to offer a rebuttal, but then his expression softened, and he simply nodded. "If that is your wish, then so be it."

Leaving the room, Tessia trailed behind me, her presence a comforting solace amidst the weight of this relentless war. The losses had been staggering—Aya, Lancelot, Arthur, and now Gary. Their names echoed in my mind, a constant reminder of the sacrifices we had endured.

My gaze fell upon Rachel, clad in her Paladin uniform, her once-golden locks now disheveled and unkempt. 

"Will you remain here, Al?" she inquired, her voice carrying a sense of purpose.

"Of course, Rachel," I affirmed, my resolve unwavering. "I will not seek refuge in Epheotus."

"Good," she nodded. "Then we must become stronger, strong enough to safeguard our continent within a year."

The magnitude of the task ahead overwhelmed me, causing my body to tremble involuntarily. Kezess Indrath... his power was unparalleled. The mere thought of confronting him within a year felt like a distant dream, an insurmountable challenge. Especially considering the nature of my Asuran lineage, with our growth reliant more on time rather than training.

"Al, you are not a pure Asura," Rachel chimed in, her bright smile revealing a hidden knowledge that caught me off guard. With a swift turn, she departed, leaving me to ponder her cryptic words.

Like a long-lost puzzle piece finally falling into place, realization dawned upon me, igniting a surge of clarity within my mind.

"Rachel, you're a genius," I murmured, a dazed excitement enveloping me.

There was a path to attaining strength in this constrained timeframe—a path that lay in embracing my elven heritage.


Once again, I found myself enveloped in the realm of darkness. Yet, this time, it held a distinct quality, a convergence of my two primary lives flashing before my eyes like vibrant spectacles.

The memories surged forth, a torrent of experiences that shaped my very existence. I relived the moments of my first life—the fateful journey to Lock, the encounters with Kevin and Amanda, the harrowing ordeal within the Monolith's enigmatic depths. The revelation of my true identity, the heart-wrenching loss of Kevin, my ascendance as the leader of the Union and humanity. Jezebeth's defeat and the bittersweet culmination of my life, extinguished by the destruction of the Akashic Records, a sacrifice that reverberated through time.

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