Volume 4 Chapter 1 - Windsom's Potions and Medicines

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After deliberating, I decided to postpone my return to school for another day. The upcoming Aurora Constellate festival would have to wait; my mother and sister had developed an irrational fear of my safety, and it was my duty to assuage their worries.

I owed it to my family to be present, so I resolved to spend quality time with them. My father had already left for work, leaving just myself and the girls. My faithful companion, Tabitha, joined us as we discussed our plans for the day, and they all seemed to agree that a shopping trip was in order.

Although I knew that I had people to inform about my delay, I couldn't deny my family's request. However, I decided to use the opportunity to take a detour to Xyrus Academy afterwards.

As I prepared for the day, I couldn't help but let out a weary sigh.

As we wandered through countless shops, I concealed my growing frustration, not wanting to spoil the fun for my family. It dawned on me that I was painfully unacquainted with the shopping experience, having only visited stores once before, soon after my arrival in this world. I was even more dismayed by the fact that, besides my trusty sword, I owned no noteworthy equipment. I recalled my early childhood days, when I was carried on my mother's back and we roamed the small town of Ashber, peering into tents filled with fascinating wares.

Growing up, most of my time was spent within the castle walls of the Kingdom of Elenoir. Even on the last shopping trip with the ladies, we headed straight to the fashion district, leaving me with little interest in the protective gear on display. Some items had protective properties, thanks to the materials used or runes etched into them, but none were potent enough to catch my eye.

As we entered a store specializing in scarves, I finally gathered the courage to ask my aunt Helstea a question that had been on my mind for a while. "Are there any stores in town that sell elixirs or other items to help me train faster?"

Tabitha gave me a puzzled look, as if she thought it was an odd question. "Of course there are," she replied.

But I remembered the drugs that some practitioners used in my old world, and I didn't want to take any chances with unfamiliar substances.

As luck would have it, Tabitha then suggested that we check out a nearby elixir and medicine shop while they shopped for scarves. That was my cue to make a run for it.

"Thanks, I'll meet you in front of the store!" I shouted, dropping the bags I had been assigned to carry and dashing off without a second thought.

But my faithful companion Sylvie didn't take kindly to being left behind. "Kyuu! Don't leave me!" she cried out, reaching out a paw toward me as Ellie held her firmly in place.

I gave her a look of condolence, silently promising that her sacrifice would not be in vain.

Following the directions I'd been given, I turned a corner and found myself in a narrow alleyway that looked like it was a favorite haunt of local thugs. At the end of the alley stood a dingy shack that even rats would avoid. The wooden planks that made up the store were covered in moss and fungus, and a musty, stale air wafted out from inside. The sickly green weeds creeping out from the bottom of the store seemed to indicate that even they didn't want to be stuck there.


As I approached the dingy shack, I had to tilt my head to read the title etched on the angled sign. It was barely hanging on a single nail, and I wondered if the store really sold potions and medicines. I wouldn't have been surprised if they peddled bottled diseases or poisons instead.

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