Volume 6 Chapter 16 - The Wall

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"Thus, all forces are converging upon that location?" I inquired, rubbing my temples as I examined the intricate details marked on the map before me.

"Yes, Commander Gary," responded Elder Virion with a solemn nod. "We have received reliable intelligence that the entirety of the Alacaryan forces is launching an assault on the Kingdom of Sapin, with their primary target being the Wall."

"And the Asuras? Have they ceased all communication with us?" I sought confirmation once more, observing the expressions of the council members shifting into somberness.

"Indeed," Virion confirmed, his voice tinged with disappointment. "The Asuras have inexplicably gone silent."

I silently mulled over the situation, considering the possible ramifications of the Asuras' absence. "It is highly probable that the Asuras committed some ill-advised action, leading to Agrona coercing them into adhering to the treaty. Thus, they have withdrawn their support."

A wave of unease swept through the council chamber as the gravity of the situation settled upon us all.

"Without the Asuras, can we expect to achieve victory?" Blaine's voice quivered, his concern mirroring the apprehension etched on the faces of his fellow council members.

As I surveyed the map depicting the distribution of forces, a sense of urgency weighed heavily upon me. If the reports from our scouts were accurate, our only chance of survival lay in mustering all available Lances, Paladins, and numerous divisions to defend against the impending onslaught.

"What if this is merely a diversionary tactic?" Merial suggested, her brow furrowed with worry. "Could they be intending to strike at another vulnerable point?"

However, I shook my head in response, my gaze fixed firmly on the map.

"It matters not," I asserted resolutely. "The scale of their amassed forces is far too substantial for us to disregard or underestimate. We must prepare to confront this threat head-on."


The atmosphere in the meeting room grew heavy as we gathered, each member of the council taking their seat with a sense of urgency etched upon their faces. 

Gary  stood before us, exuding an air of authority that commanded our attention. His voice cut through the tension, breaking the silence with his decisive words.

"All Paladins and Lances will be deployed to the Wall," Gary declared. The room erupted into a frenzy of voices, objections, and concerns, with everyone eager to express their thoughts on his decision.

Gary's steady exhale silenced the chaos, his calming presence reigning in the discord. As the room fell into a hushed anticipation, he continued to address us.

"The Alacaryan forces are amassing at the Wall, both through their fleet and teleportation gates," Gary explained, his voice resonating with purpose. "This is not a mere ruse. The sheer scale of their numbers indicates that the Vritras are leveraging their advantage to overwhelm us. Our mission is clear: we cannot save the Wall. Instead, we must focus on eliminating the three Legacies, as well as any Scythes, Retainers, or Wraiths present."


"What a delightful privilege to receive an audience with the illustrious Lord himself," I remarked with a touch of sarcasm, my gaze fixed upon the resplendent figure of galaxy-eyed Indrath before me. His narrowed eyes betrayed a sense of acknowledgment, yet he refrained from offering any retort.

As the envoy of the Indraths to Dicathen, he exuded a formidable presence that befitted his esteemed position. His strength was undeniable, reaching the initial stage of the Duke rank.

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