Volume 6 Chapter 1 - Arrival

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"The door," one of the men exclaimed, his voice laced with concern. "It's not fully closed."

A sense of unease settled among us, each person exchanging bewildered glances. But Drogo's commanding presence broke through the confusion, rallying us with his authoritative stomp.

"Open it!" he ordered, assuming a defensive stance, ready to face whatever awaited us on the other side.

The metal doors screeched against the stone ground as they were forcefully pried apart.

In that fleeting moment, a heavy silence fell upon the soldiers, all frozen in awe. Before us, atop a towering heap of corpses, perched a solitary figure. His hands rested on the hilt of a slender teal sword, its dim sheen barely visible beneath a layer of orc blood. Scattered around this mound of lifeless bodies lay more fallen orcs and gnolls, some frozen, others charred, and a few gruesomely cleaved in two.

At first glance, the corpses blended together, forming a chaotic jumble of slain mana beasts. But upon closer inspection, a distinct figure emerged from the morass. Near the apex of the mound, sprawled in a pool of gore, lay a massive SS-class mutant—a hybrid creature with the head of a lion and a scaled, lifeless body. Its once-imposing gray form was marred, the unnaturally black horns that adorned its head shattered.

There was no mistaking it. That was the mutant we had ventured so far to confront.

Returning my attention to the man seated wearily upon his throne of carnage, he finally lifted his head.

His gaze wasn't directed squarely at me, yet I felt an overwhelming, oppressive aura that seemed to seep into my very soul. Every fiber of my being screamed at me to flee, to escape the presence of this man. Fear coursed through me, intensified by the baleful gleam emanating from his piercing azure eyes.

Yet, I defied the instinctual terror and took a step forward. Clutching my blade firmly, I managed to utter, "Arthur?"

With each subsequent step, my hesitation diminished. "A-Arthur, is that you?" I whispered, my voice caught in my throat.

Suddenly, the cavern's silence shattered, pierced by a bright chirp. From seemingly out of nowhere, a streak of white shot toward me, landing delicately in my outstretched arms.

It was a miniature white fox, its presence bringing a surge of relief and warmth to my heart.

"Sylvie!" I exclaimed, embracing the creature tenderly before lifting my gaze once more.

"It's been an eternity, Tessia," a voice resonated, reaching my ears as a figure materialized beside me, arms outstretched in a welcoming embrace.

Tears welled up in my eyes, shimmering with unspoken emotions.

His once unruly white hair had been tamed into a refined style, emanating an air of dignified grace. Azure orbs, like precious sapphires, replaced the fiery scarlet gaze he had possessed before he departed. Towering above me, his form exuded strength and resilience, yet at his core, he remained the same.

He was still Alistair.

"Al!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my joy as I crashed into his waiting arms.

Dresh's voice quivered as he mustered the courage to address the imposing figure before him, "We demand to know who you are."

Arthur met his gaze, a brief pause stretching between them, causing Dresh to instinctively retreat a step, his confidence faltering. Finally, Arthur responded, his voice carrying a weight of weariness, "Arthur Leywin."

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