Volume 6 Chapter 9 - Commencement

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"Tessia, watch your back!" I shouted, my scarlet eyes locked onto a swift shadow claw lunging towards my fiancée's abdomen. Reacting swiftly, she pivoted, her silver sword gleaming with deadly intent as she sliced the creature apart.

"Alistair, we're outnumbered and overwhelmed! We can't face this horde of beasts and soldiers alone!" Tessia coughed, her voice strained amidst the thick smoke that enveloped the once serene Elshire Forest.

A curse escaped my lips, silently concurring with her assessment. Never had I imagined the Alacaryans would be so audacious as to attempt the annihilation of the Elshire Forest through an inferno of flames. Yet, these were no ordinary flames; they resisted extinguishment, proving to be a formidable challenge.

Though I possessed the ability to snuff out the flames by depriving them of oxygen, it would drain my mana core entirely.

"This is dire," I murmured, my gaze surveying the intense battle between our mages and the relentless Alacaryan forces. While individually they were not overly powerful, their sheer numbers and the raging inferno had negated the natural advantages of the elves within the Elshire Forest, tipping the scales against us.

Abruptly, my omnidirectional vision detected the presence of five formidable entities, surpassing even the might of Cadell.

Swiftly pivoting, I conjured swirling black flames of vivum, launching them towards the figures. Yet, their agility proved unmatched as they effortlessly evaded my assault.

"As expected of a Claxter," resonated a commanding voice, sending shivers down my spine. The leader emerged, a towering figure with a commanding presence. His earth-brown locks cascaded around sturdy, corkscrew horns rising several inches from his head. Clad in red chainmail beneath an imposing black half-plate adorned with protective runes, he radiated power.

Though not a pure-blooded Vritra, his strength surpassed even that of Cadell.

My throat tightened as a bead of sweat traced a path down my cheek. I was expected to face not one, but five adversaries of such caliber?

The weight of protecting both Tessia and Aya in the face of such overwhelming odds felt insurmountable, even for someone like me.

"Tessia," I spoke, my voice laced with urgency, "You must retreat."

"No, I won't leave you to fight alone," Tessia countered, stepping closer to me. In that moment, warmth spread through my heart, but I swiftly suppressed it with a steely resolve.

"Ohhh, look at the Lesser princess, determined to shield her Asuran prince~" taunted another Vritra, his thick blond braids swaying as his blood-red eyes and onyx horns revealed themselves. The horns curved out and down from the sides of his head, almost meeting again under his chin.

The other Vritras erupted into laughter. Before Tessia could respond, I unleashed the power of King's Force, causing reality itself to bend.

"Silence," I whispered, and the words became lodged in the throats of the Vritras like trapped echoes. Tessia's expression contorted in shock, mingled with a hint of fear, but I disregarded it.

How she looked at me was inconsequential as long as she remained safe.

"Retreat, Tessia," I commanded firmly, my tone unwavering. "I will handle these five adversaries. If you seek to intervene, then you should have been stronger."

A pained expression crossed her face as her body trembled. She turned her head away before finally retreating, hurt and resentment etched into her features.

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