Interlude - Tournament Trailer

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[A/N: This is the trailer for the upcoming tournament arc. It is still quite far and will likely begin publishing in a month, but I also wanted some early impressions to plan so here we go. There are four parts to this.]

Part I:

Gary let out a deep, disappointed sigh as he surveyed the scene before him. Dozens of students lay unconscious on the ground, their bodies scattered across the stage. He shook his head in frustration, muttering to himself as he reached for the hilt of his sword.

"How tedious," he muttered under his breath, the glint of steel catching the light as he unsheathed his weapon. Without a second thought, he turned and strode away from the chaos he had caused, his expression betraying no hint of remorse or concern.

Part II:

"Your movements," he murmured, his intense gaze fixated on me. My heart quickened its pace as I met his blood-red eyes, sending a shiver down my spine. "What about my movements?" I asked, trying to maintain my composure. "I can see them all," he replied, his words laced with a sinister undertone that made my stomach churn with unease.

Part III:

The clash of aether disrupted the tranquility of the air, tearing the fabric of space around us. As our swords met, a fierce and unyielding dance unfolded before us, defying the very laws of time.

Our eyes locked onto each other, neither of us willing to back down as we continued to clash. The intense battle raged on, each move calculated and executed with precision.

The sheer force of our clash echoed throughout the surroundings, leaving behind a trail of destruction. It was a fight to the finish, and neither of us was willing to relent until the very end.

Part IV:

The dance intertwining the two swords was a breathtaking display of skill, elegance and power, the blades moving in a blur that mesmerised the audience. Every move was calculated with precision, each strike aimed to deliver maximum damage to the opponent.

The air was charged with the crackling energy of mana and aether particles, creating a symphony of clashing sounds that echoed throughout the arena. The two warriors seemed to move as one, their bodies in perfect harmony with their swords as they weaved in and out of each other's defences.

It was as if time itself had slowed down to allow the spectators to appreciate the beauty of the deadly art unfolding before them. Each movement was a work of art, every strike a masterpiece in the making.

A battle between monsters unfolded before the eyes of the world.

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