Volume 6 Chapter 13 - Kingdom of Darv

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[NA/N: Early release because the other ff ended early. For chapter updates, it will be three times per week for this ff, Saturday, Monday and Wednesday. This volume will finish this month.]


"Are you both fully aware of the gravity of the mission before us?" I inquired, locking eyes with Arthur and Rachel. They met my gaze, their expressions reflecting the seriousness of our endeavor.

"Indeed," Arthur replied firmly. Rachel nodded in agreement, her face a mask of steadfast determination.

"Very well," I acknowledged, a steely tone permeating my words. "Today, we shall bring down the Kingdom of Darv for their treacherous betrayal of Dicathen. And what say you, Rahdeas?"

The former councilmember representing the dwarves squirmed uncomfortably under the weight of my penetrating gaze, his futile struggle against the bonds of his restraints evident.

"But, Gary," Rachel interjected cautiously, her voice tinged with doubt. "Is it truly necessary to go to such extreme measures?"

"Yes," I affirmed, "We extended numerous opportunities for the dwarves to mend their ways, but they chose not to reciprocate. Now, they must face the consequences of their actions." 

"With regards to the execution of the mission," Arthur inquired, his tone betraying a hint of detachment.

"You and Rachel will assume leadership roles, each commanding a division to initiate our infiltration of Darv from beneath its surface," I explained. "Your primary objective will be to eliminate any obstacles obstructing your path, leaving no room for interference. Remember, there should be no Legacies present within Darv, and you must neutralize any Scythes and Retainers encountered along the way. Once you've cleared the way, proceed to Vildorial and dismantle the capital city before their forces can amass. As for myself, I will handle the responsibility of subduing Burim city."

Both Arthur and Rachel nodded, absorbing the details of the plan.

"However," I added with emphasis, "I want to make it explicitly clear that Lance Mica is not to be harmed. She has not betrayed us, and we shall ensure her safety by subduing her without causing her any undue harm."

With our roles and objectives firmly established, the mission to bring an end to Darv commenced.


The echo of our footsteps was expertly masked by the intricate sound magic woven by me, ensuring our stealth as the group of fifty advanced through the vast tunnels crafted by the dwarves. Another group of fifty mages, led by Sylvie herself, ventured down an alternate passage, dividing our forces into four smaller units for strategic purposes.

I pressed my hand against the cool wall, invoking my earth magic to sense any lurking adversaries, my senses extending through the very stone itself.

"No signs of movement ahead," I murmured softly, utilizing sound magic to convey my words discreetly to my comrades.

The dwarven craftsmanship that adorned the tunnels was awe-inspiring. Their meticulous attention to detail and functional design showcased their unparalleled skill. It pained me to think that we would eventually have to dismantle these masterpieces, ensuring that Alacarya couldn't exploit them for their own nefarious purposes.

Despite our purpose here, there was a bittersweet appreciation for the engineering marvels we were passing through. These tunnels held a significance that would soon be lost, sacrificed for the greater cause of safeguarding Alacarya from exploitation.

With wide strides, we navigated the labyrinthine tunnels until we reached the bedrock beneath the city of Vildorial, the very heart of Darv. This subterranean kingdom was concealed from the world, its secrets buried deep within the earth.

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