Volume 5 Chapter 7 - Wren Kain IV

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[A/N: You guys really theorise a lot, we already surpassed the comment count of my other ff that has over 120k reads. Anyway, enjoy this chapter!]


"We have arrived," Windsom's voice broke through my concentration, pulling me back to the present. I had been engrossed in my mental simulations, meticulously analyzing the intricacies of my battle with Kordri and seeking ways to enhance my mastery of force-type mana.

It came as no surprise that my encounter with Kordri had ended in a devastating defeat, even though he had deliberately restrained his true power. His command over mana techniques far surpassed mine, despite my possession of Realmheart and my knowledge of ki. It was a humbling realization, but one I needed to acknowledge in order to grow stronger.

Fortunately, Windsom remained oblivious to my experimentation with force-type mana. Kordri, too, had kept our shared secret intact, respecting the arduous training he had put me through.

The bitter taste of defeat lingered, but it only fueled my determination to further develop my skills and unlock the hidden potential within me. With each setback, I would find new ways to improve, refine my techniques, and bridge the gap between my current abilities and those of the formidable Asuras.

"Your instructor awaits," Windsom's voice echoed through the air, drawing my attention to a figure perched atop the rim of the crater. Silhouetted against the sun's rays, the figure seemed minuscule at first, but with each passing moment, it grew larger, hurtling toward us like a celestial projectile.

With a resounding impact, the figure landed, causing a swirling tempest of sand and debris to engulf us. Seeking shelter from the gusting winds, both Windsom and I shielded ourselves, patiently awaiting the settling of the dust cloud. Slowly, the haze began to dissipate, revealing the towering presence that had arrived before us.

From within the remnants of the tempest, a massive hand emerged, extending toward me. Despite my best efforts to resist using my mana, the colossal grip tightened around my waist, lifting me effortlessly into the air. Helpless against the overwhelming strength, I found myself being drawn deeper into the shrouded veil of debris.

Within the obscured surroundings, a commanding and resonant voice reverberated, sending tremors through my being. "Greetings, young one."

Determined not to be ensnared by the overwhelming power of the colossal hand, I channeled Sylvia's beast will, causing Realmheart to ignite with a brilliant blaze. The world around me erupted in a vibrant display of swirling colors, representing the elemental forces of mana and the ethereal essence of aether.

With focused intent, I directed my attention towards the intricate network of mana particles that composed the hand's form. I could discern the pulsating energy within each individual bond, the very foundation that held the massive appendage together.

Intriguingly, aether played its part in this intricate dance of power. While my understanding of the relationship between aether and mana remained incomplete, I knew that their harmonious interplay held great potential, especially when given the time to unravel complex spells.

The creature that had seized me defied any description I had encountered in either of my lives. Its entire form consisted of meticulously polished stone, devoid of conventional eyes and instead possessing hollowed-out cavities that emanated an eerie yet intelligent glow. Protruding mandibles reminiscent of an ape's framed its face, releasing a deep rumble that resonated through the core of my being.

The sheer scale of the creature became apparent as I dangled helplessly, my feet far from the ground. Towering at least five meters tall, its presence exuded an indomitable terror. Yet, despite the fear that gripped me, I couldn't help but marvel at the awe-inspiring sight before me.

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